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Author Topic: Technical Questions  (Read 780 times)

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  • Big Juicy Winners
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Technical Questions
« on: April 30, 2008, 08:49:57 PM »

As was noted in the Jobs thread I work for a cellular tellecom company doing tech support. A lot of our tech support as of late has been on cellular dialup modems. Specifically, a lot of our tech support has been on mac since our lastest card finally launched with a mac connection manager. This really sucks for me, because it means I have to do more mac troubleshooting despite not knowing shit about it;

I already learned how to flush dns in Mac when a customer has trouble browsing by address, but I've had trouble getting it to actually fix anything. When I have similair problems in windows I can usually reset TCP/IP with
Code: [Select]
netsh int ip reset log.txt
netsh winsock reset

and a reboot but i don't know if there's a similair protocol in mac. Anyone with a mac or mac saavy have any idea? I'd take answers for Leopard or Tiger at this point. I know they've swapped some commands around between the two versions but if I have one I can probably figure out the other through basic trial and error.