Frocto's Super Simple RPG
1) Character Creation
Characters need a Name, Role, Hit Points and Skills. Name and Role are whatever you like them to be.
2) Skills
Starting characters have one 4d6 skill, two 3d6 skills, three 2d6 skills and any number of 1d6 skills. 1d6 skills may be added at any time, so you'll always roll at least 1d6, regardless of what you're doing.
Skills can be anything you like.
When rolling a skill, roll the dice and add them all together. If opposing someone, highest roll wins. Ties are resolved with a reroll.
3) Hit Points
Hit Points are determined by taking whichever of your skills makes the most sense for it to be related to and multiply the number of dice by 10. So if you had a Skill like "Good at Fighting: 3d6" you'd have 30 Hit Points.
4) Combat
Every round of combat, both players roll opposed with whatever skill is most appropriate.
The winner chooses a result from the table below.
Winner deals 1d20 damage/Loser deals 1d6 damage
Winner deals 1d6 damage/Loser deals 1 damage
Winner deals 1d6 damage/Loser deals 1d20
Winner deals 1 damage/Loser deals 1d6 damage
Each rounds damage is either added to or subtracted from your opponent's Hit Points total.
You win when your damage total
exactly equals their Hit Points.
In a combat with multiple participants, everyone rolls and the highest roll determines what result on the combat table is used. Everyone else is treated as a "Loser" for their result.
Example: Leroy is fighting Tom. Tom has 40 HP so Leroy wins the first round and rolls a d20 to do 20 damage. He wins the second round and rolls a d20 to do 10 damage. He wins the third round and rolls a d20 to do 15 damage. He has done 45 damage to Tom. On the fourth round, he rolls a d6 and rolls a 4, putting Tom on -1 HP. On the final round, Leroy wins and does 1 damage, putting Tom on 0 HP. Tom explodes.
5) Experience
Characters may have their skills increased at the Gamemaster's discretion. That's all there is to it.
6) Sample Character
Name: Leroy
Role: Friendly Black Man
HP: 30 (Chewin' Tobacco)
Punchin' 4d6
Backflips 3d6
Chewin' Tobacco 3d6
Drivin' 2d6
Kissin' 2d6
Astrophysics 2d6
Whistlin' 1d6
Drinkin' 1d6
Cookin' 1d6