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Author Topic: Open-World Freeroaming Violence/Mischief Games  (Read 2756 times)

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  • Apatosaur Dreamer
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Re: Open-World Freeroaming Violence/Mischief Games
« Reply #20 on: July 01, 2008, 09:42:44 PM »

I get that it's realistic, but I sit in Boston traffic on a pretty regular basis and I really do not need to do be doing this in my free-roaming shooters. Mix this with combat which is a little too clunky on the PS3 controller (cover is just not worth the effort), enemies which are impossibly easy to kill, missions that require me to pick someone up and taxi them around the city without attracting police attention, radio stations that're so dedicated to being as annoying as real radio that they succeed spectacularly, and characters/cutscenes that are nothing more than walking PSA's against drugs, crime, and all that fun stuff.

Sorry Punchy, know you really dig this game, but it's driving me nuts.

'S all good, dawg; now that you mention it, I haven't bothered with the game past the first five hours of story missions and the occasional foray into freeroaming multiplayer.  Rockstar's heavy-handed focus on realism is ultimately the thing that's keeping this bohemian transsexual furry pornographer from going any further; my opinion is that games like these are at their best when the self-imposed barriers are struck down and the player is left to spread their wings and fly like a glittering bird, explosions trailing in their wake -- preferably with Thriller played via custom-soundtrack in the background.  I've heard the phrase "box of toys" thrown around in reference to this phenomenon, from back when Crackdown came out.  For whatever reason, I can't think of any game that's put anything resembling as much thought into that element of its structure ever since, freeroaming or otherwise.

...Hmm.  Actually, Dead Rising sticks out as an experimental combination of that phenomenon with slow-ass movement controls and amazing levels of difficulty.  skate. and Burnout Paradise have incorporated other elements of the Crackdown formula within themselves (namely the notion that most barriers in the environment are self-imposed and easily overcome with sufficient skill)... but I get the feeling that lumping either of those into this genre is just shy of using this thread to wax nostalgic about SSX 3.  :<
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