I like this thread.
I'm not to keen on the 'Heavy with support is good' train of thought, as often in those situations just having another Soldier would be more useful (unless the combat is really close range). The Heavy just doesn't do enough damage under the vast majority of combat situations.
As it stands, Heavy is the most useful in situations where he can dictate how the combat will take place. The point on Viaduct is a good example. As long as you felt out the enemy team and come to the conclusion they aren't fielding any (or any good) snipers, a lone Heavy can hold the center point by simply hiding behind a random object or corner and attacking when the point starts getting captured. The combat will still probably be outside the Heavy optimal range (read: point blank), but if you spin up midair you should get the drop on them and win the damage race. Then it's simple a matter of taking cover, eating a sandvich, and your back at full and ready to defend again.
I like the idea of the TANK, as it would solve one of the major reasons why I switch off Heavy; the combat is moved to far from the spawn. Even if having a Heavy at X location would swing the battle greatly in my team favors, often the act of getting their would be too costly time wise to bother atempting it, and I'm forced to switch if I want to remain useful. If the TANK gets implemented correctly, then this should no longer be a problem.
In regards to which gun I use, I almost always use the Natasha unless their are other Heavy's (plural) on the field. The simple reason being that since most combat is going to be outside my standard kill-range, I can still offer my team considerable support by slowing the enemy down. Also, in those situations where I am called on to kill a target at longer range, the Natasha often will deal more damage because it allows you more time for more bullets to connect. Where a fleeing medic might escape from the minigun without taking so much as a glancing blow, against the Natasha you might be able to shave off a handful more HP.
The best fix-list I can think of for the Heavy would be simply.
- Lower the damage fall off considerable and slightly tighten the bullet spread, especially on the standard minigun. The Heavy should still be no threat at long range, but at medium range his damage should at least count for something.
- Remove the spin-down. It is a pointless limitation and causes more harm than one might think!
- Implement TANK or GRU or whatever means to get the Heavy's ass from spawn to the battle in the shortest amount of time that would be balanced.
I don't know if those three things would be enough to make the Heavy as useful as the classes that are played at high level, but he would certainly see much more use all around regardless!