Two players are wolves, one is a seer, eight players total.
Everyone starts with 10 hp and a job. Players may only use one day power per day and one night power per night. Passive powers are always active.
Sentinel - Mitigates damage.
Night Abilities:
- Mediguard - Heals the Sentinel for 2 hp.
- Taunt - Mitigates the damage on a target for the full day and night by 50% rounded up.
Passive Abilities:
- Ward - The Sentinel takes 50% less (rounded up) damage for the full day and night retroactively.
Commando - Reliable physical damage.
Night Abilities:
Attack - Deal 4 damage to one target.
Blitz - Deal 2 damage to each of up to three targets who voted for the same player the previous day.
Ravager - High-potential magical damage.
Night Abilities:
- Charge - Add 1 counter to a target's Charge count.
- ElementStrike - Deal damage equal to the number of Charge counters on a target.
Passive Abilities:
- Arcane Mind - Shake off one Charge point at the end of the night phase.
Saboteur - Debuffer.
Night Abilities:
- Deshell - Add 1 counter to two targets' Charge counts.
Day Abilities:
- Deshellga - Add 1 counter to all other players' Charge counts.
Synergist - Buffer.
Abilities: (Synergists can use one of their two powers each day and night)
- Haste - Increases a target's damage by 100% after all other bonuses. Stacks with itself. Wears off after 24 hours.
- Shell - Lower the target's Charge count by 2.
Medic - Healer.
Day Abilities:
- Curasa - Choose up to three targets and restore 4 hp among them.
- Esuna - Zero the Charge on a target.
All of the above abilities are used openly during the day and night phases. Day ends when everyone has used a power. Night ends when the wolves have used their wolf power and the seer has scried.
Wolves - The wolves have two bonus night abilities to choose from. They may use one of them along with their job night ability.
Night Abilities:
- Pain - Double the number of Charge points on a target.
- Stagger - Deal damage equal to the number of Charge points on the target.
HP cannot go above 10. Charge cannot go above 6. This is the signup thread for eight players.