My watch battery died on me the other day.
When I was 13, this would have occasioned
an epic quest to find a new battery. (...15 years, almost to the day. Weird.) However, given that I've been carrying a cell phone everywhere I go for the past 6 years or so, having a second (or third, if I'm sitting at a computer, or fifth, if I'm in my kitchen) object that tells time seems extremely redundant.
So I'm going to try life without a wristwatch for a week or so and see how I like it. If I really miss it I'll go get the battery swapped. And probably buy a new band while I'm at it; the first loop on this one is gone and the second is worn halfway through.
So far the main thing I've noticed is that it IS less convenient to have to pull a thing out of your pocket to check the time. I've been surprised to find just how often I want to check the time when I have something in my hand. Even though I keep my phone in my left pocket and am righthanded.