so dreth brought this to my/our attention and I want to give it a shot
Anyway here's the rules
7 players
5 Resistance Agents desperately fighting against the Evil Empire TM
2 Spies in the Employ of the Empire disguised as Resistance Agents
Each round, the players vote on who will be sent on a "mission".
The first mission has 3 people, the second 4, the third 4, the fourth 5, and the final mission has 5.
If a spy is sent on a mission, he may vote to "fail" or "sabotage" the mission, which causes it to fail.
He may also vote to "pass" the mission to maintain cover.
Agents win if 3 missions succeed. Spies win if 3 fail.
To determine who goes on a mission, the order of who elects teams is randomized at the start and then public knowledge. (For example, player 5,2,3,6,7,1,4, then 5 again in a circle.) Once the player electing the team has decided on who is going (he may choose to elect himself to go, or not) then the group discusses/votes on whether or not to go with that player's elected team. If they don't go with the team, the next player in line to elect picks a team. If 5 teams in a row are voted down, the spies win.
You cannot kill spies. You can only quarantine them and refuse to elect them for further missions.
In addition, the fourth (NOT the final) mission requires both spies to select "fail" for it to fail. If only one spy is sent on that mission, he cannot fail it.
The spies know who each other are, but they cannot communicate. No PMing period in this game. All discussion must take place in the open in the playing thread.
Questions/Sign ups go here