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This board has been fossilized.
You are reading an archive of Brontoforumus, a.k.a. The Worst Forums Ever, from 2008 to early 2014.  Registration and posting (for most members) has been disabled here to discourage spambots from taking over.  Old members can still log in to view boards, PMs, etc.

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How shall I go about this?

Just play normally, with a party of godlike twinked-out characters. Explain the game's underpinnings at length.
- 2 (7.7%)
Use your random-named mooks the whole time -- No named story characters!
- 4 (15.4%)
Use just story characters, and no random-named mooks.
- 1 (3.8%)
Use random-named mooks and story characters, but take votes on how to spec each one. Fail utterly thanks to troll votes.
- 3 (11.5%)
Monster challenge: use recruitable monsters and Ramza in a support role. Explain monsters at length.
- 9 (34.6%)
Dumb As a Rock challenge: Spec characters however, but set them to only use AI on every battle!
- 5 (19.2%)
Single-character challenge: use only Ramza!
- 2 (7.7%)

Total Members Voted: 14

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Author Topic: Lay down your arms or die clutching them! Let's Play Final Fantasy Tactics!  (Read 20183 times)

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Okay, okay, that's not the end. After the mourners walk away:

Sounds like you bought into his little spiel at Zeltennia after all.

Sure sounds like a bunch of crap I don't care about!

The fuck should I know? I just took his armor and sword and kicked him to the cu-- oh. Hmm.



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R^2 master troll


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Or, in the non-FMV better translation:

Ramza and his sister were not seen again. Orran Durai was left to ponder the mark they had left on history's page.
"I know not what brings men joy. Of what drives them to great deeds, of what legacies they hope to leave, I know less yet."
"But I do know this: The true hero of this tale was the man forgotten."
Orran would spend the next half-decade assembling an account of all to which he had borne witness.
His work complete, Orran presented this account, the Durai Papers, before the Clemensian Council, then convened for the selection of a new High Confessor. However the Church, fearing above all else the revelation of the truth, seized Orran as a heretic and burnt him at the stake.
The pen that inked them forever stilled, the Papers then lay hidden for long centuries, forgotten even by the church that had concealed them.
But I have found the truth, and so lay it for all to see. That his deeds might guide generations to come that his name might receive the honor its due.

Credits roll. Check IMDB if you want to read them, I'm not copying them all here.


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For those who can't tell through the spritework: Ovelia just stabbed Delita with a dagger.

Delita pulls the dagger out of his own ribs...

...and drives it home.

My end? Well...

I got to see the world for the way it truly was, same as you.

I got to hold onto my core values and virtues, even though it destroyed everything I had. You turned your back on your morals and became the very thing you hate the most, and for that gained a kingdom.

I saved Ivalice from the demons seeking to destroy it, you saved Ivalice from the nobility seeking to exploit it.

I got to reject what everyone demand I be, and follow my own path. You got to ascend to the Crown in the only way you could -- whether you liked it or not.

But really, after all of what happened, what did I get?

I got my sister back.


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The people who wrote that script had some serious sibling issues. Every other character is avenging or trying to save one.


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WotL has an extra FMV that makes it clear just how obsessed Ramza is with finding Alma.  In case you thought you were just reading too much into it.


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Man, poor Delita. That ending scene gets me every time.

Not that he's exactly a good person, or anything. But he was made a monster, not born one. Albus is the actual villain of the game.

Er, aside from Satan/Jesus, I mean.


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He kind of loses my sympathy when he opts to stab Ovelia.

Is it ever made clear exactly what the Lucavi or St. Ajora actually were/are?
The Lucavi as a whole don't seem to care much for humans, but the Germonik(?) Scriptures make it out like St. Ajora was a human at one point.


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Man, that is one hell of a downer ending.

I was about to accuse you of not screencapping Brentai's name, but then I remembered that you're playing a patched version of the PS1 game.
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