Trench Infiltration
This will be a five to six player game wherein the players must succeed in a mission to infiltrate a WWI German trench, and destroy an objective before morning, when the Allies will be launching an attack regardless of their success. This is strictly a player vs scenario game, where the players must cooperate in order to be successful. Additionally, all weapons are highly lethal, and death can come suddenly. Given the nature of the game, anonymity is not necessary.
I will be providing a map to keep track of positioning once the game starts.
Turn Structure
Within each turn phase each player will be required to post an action post. These will be in the form of movement actions, partial actions, and full actions. A move action can be followed by a partial action, whereas a full action consumes both, either to allow you to move a greater distance, or attack more times. Details below. For the sake of brevity, you will begin the mission very near the German line in no man's land, so as to avoid ten turns of full move actions. You may speak, or make hand signals, as a free action, but be aware that speech is subject to potentially being heard.
Once everyone has posted their actions, I will do some hidden calculations regarding your actions and the actions of Ze Germans, and make a results post. At which point the next turn begins. All actions are taken simultaneously unless specifically described otherwise in a player's action post. You have 36 hours to make your action post after my results post. If you do not post, you will be assumed to have stuck with the team, but will make no further action.
A brief note on communication. PMs are allowed on an unlimited basis during the turn phase, and I don't need to see them. However, any non-action posts made in the thread will be considered speech, and treated as such.
Movement: You may move three squares in stealth, or five normally with a normal move action. With a full move action you may move five squares in stealth, but are unable to perform any other action that turn.
Attacking: You may attack after a normal movement action, or use a full action to attack multiple times. Details based on the weapon used.
Recon: Actively looking or listening is a partial action.
Other Actions: Be creative. If something seems possible, I will likely allow it. Keep in mind that if I feel that you’ve gone over your allotted actions you may end up in a bad position, so keep it within the logic I have described, or PM me in advance if you want to be absolutely sure.
While each role has a starting set of equipment, you can use actions to redistribute equipment as necessary. As all players are trained soldiers, and can use all equipment available on the mission.
Sapper: 1-2 Sappers with one large satchel charge each, timer based trigger, side arm (two extra magazines), knife.
Rifleman: 2-3 riflemen equipped with a bolt action rifle (one extra clip), 2 grenades, side arm (two extra magazines), bayonette (detachable).
Lieutenant: German fluent, but accent will be detected if he speaks at any length. Equipped with side arm (four extra magazines), knife.
Equipment Details
M1911 Side Arm: Seven round magazine, can be fired four times with a full action, or twice after moving. May choose up to three targets within line of sight during a full action, but only a single target during a partial action. Report likely to alert nearby enemy troops
1903 Springfield Bolt Action Rifle: Five round stripper clip with internal box magazine. May be fired twice during a full action, and once after moving. May not choose multiple targets. Report will alert nearby troops and is likely to alert troops a moderate distance away, possibly causing an intruder alarm.
Grenade: Requires one full action to prepare and throw. No "cooking" will be allowed. Fatal in a 3x3 radius, potentially fatal in a 5x5 radius. Can be reliably throw seven squares. Can be used to depopulate and destroy machine gun nests. Explosion heard for miles, alarm guaranteed.
Knife: Knife combat is situational. Against an unaware or surprised target it is possible to finish the target off without being challenged, against aware targets you will be in for a fight. Knife combat is always lethal for at least one of the participants. Victims may cry out, depending on circumstances, alerting nearby troops.
Bayonette: When attached to the rifle, the bayonette allows you to make potentially lethal melee attacks from up to two squares away, or from above without changing position. Situationally similar to the knife. When unattached, it behaves exactly as the knife. Victim may cry out, as above.
Final Note
Obviously this is a pretty small scale game, and is going to be somewhat demanding of the players involved, so this is not going to be first come first serve. I’ll select the players I think will stick it out and keep on schedule. There might be more of these than I have slots, so if you get left out, don’t get too upset about it. I like this kind of one shot, goal oriented game, so I may well come up with another if this goes smoothly and the feedback is good.