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Author Topic: I AM LOUD AND THAT MEANS MY OPINIONS ARE RIGHT: Lottel makes a podcast  (Read 576 times)

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I've mentioned it a few times but I've been wanting to make a podcast for a while now and now that I have a working computer again, I actually have the ability to.

The podcast is going to try to cover the main points in the issues that come out each week and then various opinions/ramblings. I figure it'd be helpful for people who only follow one or two books and still want to be up to date with the comic universe. I do this basically every Wednesday night at the bar anyway so why not record it and polish it up a bit?

I'm slowing trying to convince a buddy or two to help me cohost so it's not just me talking about the same things all the time. Hopefully that'll be more appealing to listeners and more fun for me. Also, that'd help get more variety of comics as I only read Marvel and a few indie comics. Granted, I'm reading ALL of Marvel so that's helpful.  I'm trying to convince my buddy to read a few more DC comics than just the Superman ones and that's slow going. Worst comes to worse, I figured I can grab someone to do a monthly "Batman and Friends Recap" and cover the Batbooks for the month and that'd probably be good enough.

I've looked around at a few smaller podcasts I enjoy and will probably take a page out of their book and just do a small blog with the podcast as a post and rss feed. Seems the simplest way.

I'm working on the name right now. I'm kind of leaning towards "Live From the Gutters" but am very much open for suggestings. Actually, if anybody has any suggestions of any kind, I'm all ears.