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Author Topic: The only pro wrestling shirt I'd wanna buy...  (Read 1682 times)

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    • Shawn Struck
The only pro wrestling shirt I'd wanna buy...
« on: February 19, 2008, 11:06:09 AM »

 I loves me some pro wrestling (though I haven't had time to watch any in a while). I obviously loves me some old-school NES games.

John Cena, a pro wrestler for WWE has combined both in what is the only T-shirt related to pro wrestling I've ever wanted to a)buy and b) wear in public:


At the risk of losing my "wrestling smart internet guy indie cred", I will say that John Cena is one of my favorite wrestlers, and coming up with a shirt like this is just AWESOME.

And he's not frontin', either, he's definitely an old-school gamer! In his very first DVD, he talks about his love of old-school NES games, is wearing a "NO! I don't need a strategy guide" T-Shirt from the webcomic Deisel Sweeties and a Duck Hunt hat, and he did a freestyle rap for the webmaster of Ark Full of Sorrow that namedrops everything from Excitebike to the Konami Code (mp3).

(via ldbnyterayn )


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Re: The only pro wrestling shirt I'd wanna buy...
« Reply #1 on: February 19, 2008, 04:23:36 PM »

I saw this shirt while watching Cena/HHH/Orton yap for the first few minutes of Monday Night Raw last night, and immediately tuned them out (more so than usual) trying to see all the text and nuances of this shirt. While I'd probably never wear a shirt like this, it's hilariously awesome, and even more so if Cena's actually an NES fan like you say.

Side note, since I was never one of the cynical hyper-critical prudes when I posted on those sort of pro wrestling message boards, I think John Cena's a damn exciting wrestler. I don't know what the main "smart mark" argument is to boo him, but if it's for a lack of moves then I guess everyone's forgotten about wrestlers like The Rock, Mick Foley, or anyone else who did a damn lot with very few moves.

Then again, maybe with a shirt like this all the typical wrestling fans sensed the
in the room and responded appropriately.


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Re: The only pro wrestling shirt I'd wanna buy...
« Reply #2 on: February 19, 2008, 04:33:04 PM »

I don't know what the main "smart mark" argument is to boo him, but if it's for a lack of moves then I guess everyone's forgotten about wrestlers like The Rock, Mick Foley, or anyone else who did a damn lot with very few moves.

Hell, Bret Hart's use of five moves is pretty much a wrestling meme and you can't bring him up without having half the room silently masturbate in reverence.

James Edward Smith

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Re: The only pro wrestling shirt I'd wanna buy...
« Reply #3 on: February 19, 2008, 04:57:26 PM »

John Cena's pretty good, just for having a really cool walk in song and sequence.

Now I'm not a big wrestling fan, just because it can be pretty boring sometimes and in my experience, a lot of the wrestlers just aren't very good anymore, but that is a pretty awesome shirt and I do like Cena whenever I actually see him fight. He's not a very good fighter in that, he's not the greatest at making the match look like a logical fight. He does a lot of the overly long and overly fake looking recoveries that seem to be a staple amoungst way too many wrestlers now and are pretty much the main reason I hate wrestling now and have for a long time. But that said, his actual moves are well crafted, look cool, and he seems like he must practice them 100s of times daily because he always does them very smoothly with the exact same timing every time no matter the size or shape of the opponent. In fact, that is almost an other detractor to him, his moves look too much like he's riding a bike the whole time and as a result don't look very impactful sometimes. Moves can sometimes look better when they look a little more laboured.

Honestly, the last wrestler I ever saw on RAW that I really liked was Mohammed Hassem. He may have just been an Iron Sheik rip off and his persona was completely inappropriate and retarded, but he was a damn fine wrestler. None of his moves were that flashy and he only had about 4 of them anyway, but they were all fast as fuck and as a result came off looking very real. In addition to that, his overall ring presence was a lot better than say John Cena's as mentioned above. Mohammed really looked like he was actually fighting and trying to win. Whenever he was hit with a move, he always looked adaquetly hurt but he never let it go on too long. He would always recompose himself in just the right amount of time to make it look like he was actually some sort of fighter in a ring, something that very few current wrestlers seem capable of doing for whatever reason.

I even liked his whole claim to fame that he was essentially undefeated since he never lost a fight due to being pinned or made to submit.
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Re: The only pro wrestling shirt I'd wanna buy...
« Reply #4 on: February 19, 2008, 05:41:07 PM »

I haven't seen any wrestling since I was in grade school and THE ROCK and STONE COLD STEVE AUSTIN were THE SHIT


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Re: The only pro wrestling shirt I'd wanna buy...
« Reply #5 on: February 19, 2008, 05:43:18 PM »

He does a lot of the overly long and overly fake looking recoveries that seem to be a staple amoungst way too many wrestlers now and are pretty much the main reason I hate wrestling now and have for a long time.

Yeah, acting like a train hit you after every move only a minute into a match is a problem Cena could stand to cut the hell out. I can't help but think of what Mick Foley said in one of his don't sell a punch from a wrestler well below you as hard as you'd sell a punch from a main event wrestler. No matter how polite it might be, Barry Horowitz cannot appear to beat the hell out of you just as hard as Shawn Michaels can.

Moves can sometimes look better when they look a little more laboured.

Definitely. I think one of the absolute best wrestlers with this aspect was Chris Benoit, family-killing issues aside. Most of his matches were fun as hell to watch, and rarely did any move look easy for him, even if most of them were perfectly executed.

Hassem was definitely good, despite the eventual terrorism gimmick issues that killed his chances. There was a Japanese wrestler that was pretty entertaining to watch for a while, too, but he got saddled with a horrid traditional Japanese gimmick (complete with evil geisha manager), ensuring his career had no chance of taking off. Too many good wrestlers suffer from tremendously bad gimmicks like that and never have the time to shine.

Thankfully, there are exceptions that make it far enough to get their own awesome t-shirts.

If Cena's shirt is #1 in the awesome department (which I think it is), I'd say this is a fine #2.


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Re: The only pro wrestling shirt I'd wanna buy...
« Reply #6 on: February 19, 2008, 06:43:57 PM »

This thread needs more luchador t-shirts. I'd buy one.


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Re: The only pro wrestling shirt I'd wanna buy...
« Reply #7 on: February 20, 2008, 08:50:25 PM »
