Does anyone know if Zetsubou Sensei is worth getting into? I feel like it would get old fast.
The weird thing about SZS is how long it takes to get old. The manga finally got old for me after 6~7 volumes, but I never got tired of the anime. Even when the plot gets formulaic, the animators manage to keep it interesting visually, and occasionally audibly. It's basically perfectly timed to get more obtuse and bizarre when you'd start getting tired of it. In fact, the later seasons are better than the first because they realize it's starting to get old and have to work to make it entertaining.
So, as long as you don't watch every episode in one long marathon, it shouldn't get old.
Anyway, in more recent anime, I'm very much enjoying poyo poyo kansatsu nikki. It's basically CAT VIDEOS: The Anime--Starring Poyo the catloaf, and I wish it were more than 3 minutes per episode. The one downside is it makes my screen name seem unoriginal despite this coming into existence afterwards.