The fucked-up chronology of the first series was a really, really brilliant piece of storytelling.
I hope they maintain it. And I hope whatever DVD release ends up here is fucking correct; why would anyone put the series out in chronological order. it's fucking maddening.
Blame the japanese.
No, seriously. The Japanese DVD release was in chronological order. Fear of reverse-importing (Japanese otakus taking our DVDs, which, by the way, is INCREDIBLY cheaper, even factoring in the cost of a R1 DVD player and shipping) caused the japanese license-holder to demand that the DVD release be the same. The concession we got was that Broadcast Order DVDs would be part of the special edition.
Fear of reverse-importing is the root cause of several other maddening choices for the american animoo market, among them, "Why the fuck does it take so long for us to get some of the better series?"