doom fails to account for how fantastic the japanese vocal cast is, of course. if you can stand the stretching out, go for it.
I don't care how good the vocal cast is if I have to watch three episodes
in a row of A) A flashback sequence B) the villain recounting the story we were just told except he's telling it this time or C) a bad thing is happening this is totally dramatic ohhhh the poor people.
Sky Island, Captain Kuro and Arabasta Revolution respectively. Do not confuse A with the awesome two-part episode where Norland and that Red Maned Guy hang out.
No seriously I didn't read/watch One Piece for an ENTIRE YEAR
TWICE because Captain Kuro recounting his story 3-4 fucking times in the anime arc was so boring.
The upside is that this excess of time allowed the CP9 arc to draw to an end so when I finally caught up I did so on the single best arc in all Shonen Manga of all time.
Everything after Thriller Bark in One Piece is so fucking insane that it's like a delicious sensory overload.