(Also on my second playthrough I rolled a Half-Ogre Pit Fight Vet named Captain Dumbshit, with an Int score of 1. The journal entries he writes are HILARIOUS. "Funny nome man gave me necklis and told me to find a boy then he die. Him funny. And ded.")
I named mine DUR. But yeah, if you want to beat Arcanum without an ounce of trouble, Half-Ogre Pit Fighter is the way to go. No magic, no technology -- just crazy retard strength and fighting skills second to none. Truth be told, I'll also use DUR when I play Fallout, and I like to imagine that they're all the same guy. Like, he's some crazy, immortal, time traveling, dimension hopping super human who has absolutely no concept of what he's doing or where he's been.
But the thing that really drives me nuts is that I can never really play the character I want: someone who has no combat skills whatsoever and relies entirely on wit and speech to survive.
Then they fucking send me into a zombie and giant spider-filled dungeon.