3. You might be able to scramble out the other side of the car before the vines or head reach you. It'll be close.
Screaming, you push against the seat with one hand while grabbing at the opposite door.
The thing's breath is hot on your back and side as you begin to gain momentum. You feel a vine brush against your neck.
Then you're away, out of the car. Nicole is standing there, looking at you, eyes wide with fear. The first expected reaction you've seen out of her, actually.
Shit. The gun was on the dash.
The look back inside. The Faceless is continuing to make its way into your car through the window. Vines reach toward you.
Fuck it. You plunge one arm and shoulder in, snatching the gun off the passenger's dashboard before you have a chance to think about it, and lose your moment to actually do what you just did.
You slam the passenger door, cutting off the vines. A few press against the glass, but seem unable to break it. For now, at least.
"Nicole, stay back."
You circle around the car, unwilling to give up your supplies and transportation at this point. The Faceless is pulling himself out of the car, now. As you watch, the vines press backward and the entire body falls to the ground. Vines extract themselves from the undercarriage, begin to press up, and the Faceless rises and turns to face you.
He starts to stagger toward you. The legs seem bent. A bone protrudes from it's left leg. He seems a bit slower than before.
You've got your knife and gun, but the pipe is resting in the backseat. You don't want to get close enough for knife-work unless you absolutely have to. At this range, you should be able to shoot it fairly easily.
You raise your weapon and aim...
1. For the head. That always works in the movies against zombies, right?
2. At the torso.
3. At the leg. Maybe you don't have to kill this thing, just disable it.
4. Eh. Why waste ammo? There's plenty of rocks, broken chunks of concrete, and the like around here. Chuck some shit at it, pull it away from the car, maybe you could circle back around it, get the pipe, or just drive away.
Location: Northern California, ruins of your hometown (Blasted Road)
Health: Poor (Possible unknown internal injuries) Left eye destroyed, left arm cut
Assets: Lead Pipe, change of clothes, contents of wallet, Nice watch (Showing 6:43), Revolver (5 bullets) Swiss Army Knife, Roughly one day's worth of food and water (Snack food, but granola and beef jerky, that kind of shit) Car, roughly half a tank of gas
Skills: None that would be useful spring to mind. Damn the school system!
Members in party: Nicole
Health: ???? Assets: Clothes (Strangely, they do not appear damaged) Skills: ????
"They" encountered:
Form: Humanoid
Attacks: Vines
Resilience: Survived being hit by car and run over
Speed: Low?
Special/Notes: Unknown