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Author Topic: The End  (Read 57577 times)

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Re: The End
« Reply #100 on: September 17, 2008, 03:21:41 PM »

Classic, I don't think the main character would know what kind of revolver it is.
The question is: "IS IT TINY OR FUKIN' HEUG?!?!"
Insane Magnum was supposed to be == Magnum Peacemaker = Giant.

And let's face it Patito, we're from Cali. We're either an insane peacenik or an insane gun-nut and we knew how to check the chamber and release the safety.


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Re: The End
« Reply #101 on: September 17, 2008, 03:34:17 PM »

Depends on what kind of safety it uses of course, but I'm pretty sure the previous owner didn't think to put the safety back on after he was finished with it.

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Re: The End
« Reply #102 on: September 17, 2008, 03:48:29 PM »

It's a gun. Simple point-and-click interface that the everyman can use with ease, no gun-fu wankery required.

The head mustn't be too important if they explode part of it off, but then again that's where that weird air blast is coming from.

Ah hell, I agree with the center-of-mass idea. 2!


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Re: The End
« Reply #103 on: September 17, 2008, 04:25:02 PM »

If the votes still matter, 1.

The hardest part about deciding is not knowing exactly what kind of story we're writing here.  Is heroic shit more likely to work than cowardly (ie realistic) shit because it makes a better story?  Or will being heroic make us a grisly stain on the asphalt?  I don't know, and I don't even know if Friday has decided the "kill" choices in advance, or will just decide to off us when she gets tired of writing.  We shall see.
"Imagine punching somebody so hard that they turned into a door. Then you found out that's where ALL doors come from, and you got initiated into a murder club that makes doors. The stronger you punch, the better the door. So there are like super strong murderers who punch people into Venetian doors and shit"

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Re: The End
« Reply #104 on: September 17, 2008, 05:46:14 PM »



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Re: The End
« Reply #105 on: September 17, 2008, 05:55:28 PM »

Friday has decided the "kill" choices in advance, or will just decide to off us when she gets tired of writing. 

It could easily be both.
In any case, I'm against 4, because I imagine it snagging whatever we toss and whipping it right back through our head. :HUGE:

It might be reliant on the host body to survive. I mean, it could be a Parasyte parasite.

1 if we have a pea shooter.
2 if we have a hand cannon.
3 if we have something medium sized.


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Re: The End
« Reply #106 on: September 17, 2008, 06:25:20 PM »

can we use Nicole as a shield

you know, to see if she "reacts"

1.  Don't trust the one-eyed wonder who's never shot to hit the knee, but the torso won't help on something that survived being hit by a car so easily.

We should also say something like "Don't let THIS in your head"


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Re: The End
« Reply #107 on: September 17, 2008, 06:38:03 PM »

How do we know we've never shot?

And for that matter, how do we know this thing isn't so desperate because it's original body is dying and looking for a new host? If it can suppress shock responses, pain, or what have you, it might not hurt to shoot it in the body.

A large handgun will still floor you, right?

Oh, my actions associated with the conditions have changed.


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Re: The End
« Reply #108 on: September 17, 2008, 06:45:19 PM »

Also, what kind of revolver is this? Is it a snub-nose? One of those insane magnum revolvers?

How do we know we've never shot?

You don't know shit about guns, though. It seems fairly small. You always hated guns, the feel of them, the look of them. Even now you don't want to take it.


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Re: The End
« Reply #109 on: September 17, 2008, 07:27:47 PM »

 :derp: NEXT TIME ON CLASSIC CANNOT FUCKING READ: Classic stops reading even logograms and winds up in sexy trouble!

I-In the meantime, the best we can hope for is knocking it down by a body shot then... Ugh.


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Re: The End
« Reply #110 on: September 17, 2008, 09:01:27 PM »

Friday, are all of the vines coming from the head/face?

None of them are coming from the head/face, actually. They seem to be exclusively coming from the torso.

Also, what kind of revolver is this? Is it a snub-nose? One of those insane magnum revolvers?

You're not entirely sure. It's fairly average sized, a bit on the small size, you'd guess? It's not a huge magnum for sure, and it's not one of those guns you can hide in your hat. But it can fit in your pocket, albeit with the handle protruding. The barrel is fairly short, but not snub.

The hardest part about deciding is not knowing exactly what kind of story we're writing here.  Is heroic shit more likely to work than cowardly (ie realistic) shit because it makes a better story?  Or will being heroic make us a grisly stain on the asphalt?  I don't know, and I don't even know if Friday has decided the "kill" choices in advance, or will just decide to off us when she gets tired of writing.  We shall see.

The kill choices are decided in advance, based off my own judgement on what would work and what wouldn't. Since I'm not you and you're not me, you may disagree with where your choices get you. Not really anything I can do about that. Death is always around the next bend, but if you're smart, you just might survive.

As far as heroism vs realism, I am by far leaning toward realism.

That being said, I know from personal experience that "heroism" works a lot better in real life than most people think, as long as you do it when it occurs to you and don't sit around thinking about it with your thumb up your ass. It's about seizing your moment.

I have no intention of killing you off when I get bored.


1. For the head. That always works in the movies against zombies, right?

You take careful aim, as best you can, anyway, having never fired a gun before in your life.

The Faceless takes a step toward you. Another. A low hissing sound is coming from it. The jawless mouth hangs open obscenely, dripping bits of gore and teeth.

You pull the trigger.

The creature's head snaps back as the report of the weapon hits your ears. The kick is more than you were expecting, but you manage to keep your grip. A thin line of blood flies out behind the Faceless, splashing into your car through the window.

It hisses sharply, and seems unable to recover from the shot. It topples over backward, top heavy already, legs damaged.

However, the vines are already pushing it up again. You're certain you hit it in the head, but the damn thing seems to still be alive.

But you have disabled it, for the moment.


1. Call to Nicole. Tell her to grab the pipe from her side of the car, toss it to you. You'll finish this thing off while it's down.

2. There's barely enough space for you to get between it and the driver's side. You could simply reach in through the window and grab the pipe, then go at it while it's down.

3. Move in, aim for the center of mass, and fire another shot. No chance of missing now.

4. Move in, aim for the center of mass, and fire the chambers empty.


Location: Northern California, ruins of your hometown (Blasted Road)
Health: Poor (Possible unknown internal injuries) Left eye destroyed, left arm cut
Assets: Lead Pipe, change of clothes, contents of wallet, Nice watch (Showing 6:44), Revolver (4 bullets) Swiss Army Knife, Roughly one day's worth of food and water (Snack food, but granola and beef jerky, that kind of shit) Car, roughly half a tank of gas
Skills: None that would be useful spring to mind. Damn the school system!
Members in party: Nicole

Health: ???? Assets: Clothes (Strangely, they do not appear damaged) Skills: ????

"They" encountered:


Form: Humanoid
Attacks: Vines
Resilience: Survived being hit by car and run over, being shot in the head
Speed: Low
Special/Notes: Central nervous system does not seem to be present in the head (Does it have a nervous system?)



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Re: The End
« Reply #111 on: September 17, 2008, 09:07:04 PM »



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Re: The End
« Reply #112 on: September 17, 2008, 09:13:21 PM »

I'm not sure how well close combat will work on something that's trying to grab you. 


Since you've decided which choices will kill us in advance, can you tell us how many "kill choices" we've avoided so far?  Don't tell us which ones, of course, that would give too much away.
"Imagine punching somebody so hard that they turned into a door. Then you found out that's where ALL doors come from, and you got initiated into a murder club that makes doors. The stronger you punch, the better the door. So there are like super strong murderers who punch people into Venetian doors and shit"


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Re: The End
« Reply #113 on: September 17, 2008, 09:13:54 PM »

1.  While it's not the smartest choice, if it works it'll be pretty awesome.

Also totally disappointed that you didn't actually get to say what Romo said.


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Re: The End
« Reply #114 on: September 17, 2008, 09:17:33 PM »

Since you've decided which choices will kill us in advance, can you tell us how many "kill choices" we've avoided so far?

Save that for the end, IMO.


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Re: The End
« Reply #115 on: September 17, 2008, 09:19:36 PM »

Moving in has to be an all-or-nothing venture, and I have no idea where those vines are actually coming from. Is is lining the gut on the in or outside? Is it hanging out near the heart and lungs? My guesses come from how it seems to control airflow to and from the body in a way impossible to the human musculature. And What does it need that human body for?

I'm not sure, but in any case, I'm pretty sure it's not something we can solve with a pipe. Or even our weapon for that matter.
Hopefully Friday will interpret the move as looking for another chance to get in the car and gun it, and hopefully it doesn't have any lingering vines and what have you to make this a repeat.

... Let's hope that blood isn't carrying eggs or spores or wtf makes that body keep moving.


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Re: The End
« Reply #116 on: September 17, 2008, 09:29:35 PM »


The other three are for your she-bitch friend, viney.


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Re: The End
« Reply #117 on: September 17, 2008, 11:32:34 PM »

can you tell us how many "kill choices" we've avoided so far?

Not that many, honestly. A few that would have led to a do or die choice to get back on track.

3. Move in, aim for the center of mass, and fire another shot. No chance of missing now.

Stepping quickly over to the downed creature, careful to stay out of reach of the flesh-vines, you stand over the Faceless, aim down at about a forty-five degree angle, and put another slug into it.


Wow. It didn't like that. The vines spasm about, whirling and twisting madly like a forest of worms. Whatever momentum it had toward righting itself is long gone. The body rolls over back and forth, and you can see some kind of greenish-red liquid staining the ground under and around it.

Quickly grasping that this is your chance, you tell Nicole to get in the car as you dance around the Faceless and it's grasping vines and get in yourself. Quickly, you speed away, leaving the damaged creature behind you.

"Well, that could have gone worse," you say.

"Much worse," Nicole agrees. You glance at her. She's looking at you, but looks away after a moment, out the window.

About five minutes later, you pull over to the side of the road. Time to check out that crater.

Better take Nicole with you. No telling if more of those things are around. You grab your pipe, gun and knife but leave the rest of your supplies in the car.

Smoke is still rising from the crater, but less so now. You're almost out of daylight, so you hurry through the wreckage of your hometown. There's almost nothing recognizable this close to the blast. Everything is pretty flat and featureless. A few bent street lights are still standing, their glass like broken teeth scattered below.

You approach the small hill that must be the edge of the lip. Telling Nicole to wait here, you begin to climb. Your legs should be screaming protest, but oddly, you feel better than you did back when you first found the car. Maybe you just needed the food and water.

As you crest the lip, the first thing you notice is the crater is fairly small. It's maybe about a quarter mile wide, and almost perfectly round.

The second thing you notice is the bodies.

Hundreds of them. Hell, maybe even over a thousand. Men. Women. Children. Most of them horribly broken and twisted, you'd assume from the blast wave. In addition, there are thousands of body parts mixed in with the rest. Arms. Legs. Heads. Unidentifiable parts.

The third thing you notice is the worms.

Fleshy worms, not unlike the vines sprouting from those faceless in appearance, but much, much larger. While the vines were maybe half an inch around at best, these worms range in size from a foot wide to some over three feet. Also, unlike the vines, they have mouths. They are twisted around, inside of, and through the bodies.

They are eating them.

The smell hits you. Then the sound. A relentless grinding, slurping, chewing noise. In the center of the crater, the bodies are denser, piled higher.

You bend over and vomit, the bitter taste a welcome relief to the taste in your mouth previous.

As you right yourself, you see a Faceless, a good distance to your left, on the lip of the crater. Not either of the ones from before. He is carrying a body. Not with the arms, which remain pinned against the chest and torso, but with the vines. It is the body of a much larger man. The vines are wrapped around the body, tightly. Despite the weight difference between this Faceless and the body it is carrying, the Faceless does not seem to be suffering any difficulty in moving, still walking in that strange bow-legged gait. As you watch, it dumps the body down into the crater, then turns and leaves the way it came. It does not appear to notice you. In the distance, you can see upright armless figures moving in the crater amongst the bodies and worms.

The setting sun casts a red haze over all this, and you cannot think of a hell any different than this one you stand in now.

Nicole is standing next to you.

"They feed the birthed," she says. "They eat what they cannot take."

She is crying. You reach out and cover her eyes.

"Come on, sweetie. We're getting away from all this."

You turn and leave. Behind you, the feast continues.

You make it back to your car. The sun has set. The sky is still light, but not for much longer. You need to get going.

You turn on your headlights and head back to the north. You do not see the male or female Faceless from before. Some time passes, you are not sure how much. The ruination starts to decrease. Some buildings remain partially standing, there is even a blasted tree or two.

Nicole is asleep beside you.


1. Head to the vet. You need medical attention and supplies. Other survivors might be there, as well.

2. You need to get as far away from here as possible. Forget the vet, lets go to Oregon. Or the hills. Or anywhere away from that crater.


Location: Northern California, ruins of your hometown (Blasted Road)
Health: Poor (Possible unknown internal injuries) Left eye destroyed, left arm cut
Assets: Lead Pipe, change of clothes, contents of wallet, Nice watch (Showing 8:02), Revolver (3 bullets) Swiss Army Knife, Roughly one day's worth of food and water (Snack food, but granola and beef jerky, that kind of shit) Car, roughly 2/5 a tank of gas
Skills: None that would be useful spring to mind. Damn the school system!
Members in party: Nicole

Health: ???? Assets: Clothes (Strangely, they do not appear damaged) Skills: ????

"They" encountered:


Form: Humanoid
Attacks: Vines
Resilience: Survived being hit by car and run over, being shot in the head
Speed: Low
Special/Notes: Central nervous system does not seem to be present in the head (Does it have a nervous system?) Damaged it by shooting it in the torso



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Re: The End
« Reply #118 on: September 17, 2008, 11:46:51 PM »

A choice between hitting the next obvious waypoint, or driving aimlessly on half a tank of gas.


(Though in all honesty, that other option did work okay for the guys in 28 Days Later.)


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Re: The End
« Reply #119 on: September 17, 2008, 11:56:40 PM »

Need stuff.
Plus, the more info we get on this plague, the better our odds of survival.
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