Talked to my ex for a while tonight.
I am a lot better off than her with all of this I think it's mostly because it wasn't my idea and nothing I can do can change it. She is freaking out all the time and really wants to get back together but she won't. So whatever.
It was a weird talk. She also kind of resents me now. . One because I am doing better. And two... Ok. We haven't really seen much of each other since last summer because of school and me without a license and we fought over Christmas break. And I've changed a lot since last summer. I am apparently even MORE of what she wants now. I'm MORE desirable than ever. And she hates the fact she found that out right after she dumped me. I gently reminded her that if she didn't dump me within minutes of getting home she'd have known that earlier. She admitted that was true.
So yeah. One of two things will happen. Either she will want to get back together with me or she will try to avoid me. And we both know the second won't work.
tl;dr: Lottel is doing great on his own and has become more desirable to his ex, who is starting to resent him for being awesome.
EDIT: Just got some texts. Guess who is super desirable to all of his ex's friends? Apparently, she had been telling stories the whole relationship and now they are incredibly interested. Yeah. Tonight was a good night.