So, McCain's suspending his campaign, seeking delays for the debates.
...Do we have a "my jaw is on the fucking floor" emote? Hm, I guess
will do.
...On top of everything else everyone has already pointed out is fucking crazy about this, McCain has spent the past two months swearing that the only reason he's been airing attack ads is because Obama didn't agree to his town hall meetings.
And the right-wing blogosphere spin has been that McCain was going to destroy Obama in the debates because Obama can't speak without a teleprompter.
This is just crazy. Flat-out batshit fucking loco.
And I can't imagine it helping McCain. The only people who are going to be spinning this as a good idea are the ones who are totally, irretrievably in the tank for him already.
I can't imagine Obama agreeing. So I'm seeing Friday's debate shaping up to be McCain whining that they shouldn't be there, they should be out solving thre crisis, and Obama responding that McCain helped get us into this mess in the first damn place.