I didn't really see if there was a general advice column out here, if one already exists, feel free to merge this one in.
Lifehacker tends to have useful bits of DIY information, and handfuls of tips to make your life a little easier. It's a part of the network that hosts Kotaku.
One of their articles highlighted a rather nice
Rent vs. Buy calculator that the NY Times put up about a year ago. Be sure to hit the question marks in the upper left to set it to your region, rather than the national average. While most of us are probably not looking to buy a home anywhere in the near future, it doesn't hurt to know what the turning point on rent/buy is.
The Consumerist is another one of their hub sites, helping identify bad business practices, stories of customer service gone wrong, and information on how to fight back (including lists of corporate executive email addresses). This is America, and when something sucks you should be able to get your money back. Personal favorite is the 'Grocery Shrink Ray' articles.