re: fetish: nurture trumps nature here; i would assume that at least most of the more inhuman fetishes stem from an adolescence of not being accepted in normal circles, and adopting a lifestyle that then leads to more social gratitude, which leads to an attraction in that same field. but that's just an amateur opinion, as i am certain i've never met a well-adjusted furry, either on the enet or in the ar-el.
re: work: to find a job you like, just keep trying? i work for a nonprofit that is devoted to assisting teachers and other state employees in NC, and we do good work and help keep these people financially stable, since the state itself doesn't seem to care much about doing so. i got the job by just applying anywhere with an opening, because i was desperate.
it's not something i ever pictured myself doing, but it's given me a lot of insight into the kinds of things i do enjoy doing, and the job itself isn't so bad at all.