While I was there, the kid across from me was a satanist. Seriously. He went through a ton of packs of cards because he kept doing these weird 'rituals' late at night.
We learned that after hours, or on lockdown, we could talk to the people in the rooms connected to ours through the power outlets. Someone squealed, however, because one day I walked into my room to discover that they had drilled a cover onto them. That was the end of that.
I saw snow for the first time there.
You know how in Looney Tunes and stuff, the orderlies are fucking huge? THAT'S NOT AN EXAGGERATION. These guys could stare down a damned football team. REALLY nice guys, all of them. Pleasant to talk to, and always willing to just talk about the most inane shit. But holy shit, get the FUCK OUT OF THE WAY when someone starts to get out of control.
Realize, Rock Man was way, way out in a remote area. No nearby anything because of runners (And we did get to see a few runners).
Down the hill, if you behave and move up their behaviour scale thing, you can go to school. Normally, you were brought papers and shit, but it was still nice to get out daily. Now, in class one day, someone decides to bolt. Just leapt up out of their chair, raced for the door, and tried to split. The orderly with us was on him like a flash. The kid had slammed the door behind him to slow the orderly down.
It didn't work. The guy went straight THROUGH the door. Didn't even stop, just took the entire door and door frame off it's hinges charging after this kid.
More to come as I remember.