Rogues can't beat any melee right now. That is as it should be, because Rogues are not supposed to be good at handling plate classes and gear/stats haven't caught up to 51-point talents yet. At 80, the Rogue would win. Assuming he's not awful. Which he may be.
Misunderstanding here. The Rogue was on our side and theoretically the only person qualified to get a kill in what should be the five people curb-stomping us. They can't even get through the damn paladin.
I am almost positive I could 5-second-faceroll a resto shaman with 9k health and 100 resilience on Ataraxia as Arms, too, and I would be really hesitant to call her overgeared. Notably, it would be even easier as Prot though it'd take longer. Maybe.
You're a good god damn warrior. I've solo'd decent geared warriors in Arms/Fury specs because they couldn't burst through my shenanigans with MS up. Sometimes I just waited for my team to notice I was being hit.
Maybe Ata isn't overgeared, but that ret-tard with the 8k health probably isn't either. So why can he roflstomp me for the price of a one minute cooldown?
I'll admit that a lot of what my personal anecdotes come down to is irritation that I can be crit down, but the other guy doing it with terrible gear is no good, and it's so widespread that it's not some secret cabal of old ret pros abusing a revamped tree. The Hunter talent migration is hilarious, the Paladin one tragic.
For same the reason you could demolish people as Demo or Affliction on Kasari at 60 in 2.0.
Felguard wrecked faces, but what made me dangerous was Affliction on Kasari before BC came out. I had a tendency to have Siphon Life up on at least ten targets at once.
Crit rates at 70 are dramatically higher than they will be at 80 for a VERY long time and Resilience at 80 scales up way faster than it did at 70; a full-blue-pvp-gear 80 character has about -8 or 9% chance to get crit. These unrealistic critrates are making burst classes like Ret paladins and Arcane mages seem stronger than they really are as sure as they are making Shadow priests seem weaker.
I get all this, and that's why I want to see Rets swatted on the nose or properly balanced instead of this knee-jerk stuff.
But I do want to see them swatted, because LAWL WAIT FOR WRATH is kind of a weak excuse for a month of face-rollers.
Purge Blessing of Freedom. Apply Hamstring. Win. I really don't care how much Ret has been buffed; a Warrior/Shaman combo will not be in any way compromised by a Ret Paladin unless somebody's AFK.
God, you'd think so. I'd really hate to think that I've got to macro my crit talent and Nature's swiftness to Healing Wave the second the Ret engages the War with Earth Shield up.
Because that one person's mana return is the only thing your raid can benefit from at any given time?
Zuh? I'm pretty sure they're separate effect. The paladin gives himself 15% mana back, and the raid gets a passive regen buff. The complaint is that the paladin used to give himself 33% mana back. See Wiseman's stuff about a dude bitching about having to use drinks as a class with a blue bar.
Not true. People just get cuffed by a HoJ > JoC crit to the face and go directly to the forums. Paladins are by no means overpowered if that is dealt with.
That said, I think the bonus damage for JoC on a stunned target should have been removed and it should have been a bonus crit chance. That's the only nerf ret needed.
Yeah, the WoW population is prone to crying, but this seems to be a little too widespread to think it's just the loudest voices on the forums. Nice idea for a balance, by the way. If only they heard your voices over the complaining.
Metamorphosis currently makes Warlocks totally unkillable to melee; it's as retarded as Warriors being soloed by Felguards in 2.0. This wouldn't be a problem if the base class were not as strong an anti-caster as ever.
The 600% armor thing is harsh, but the Immolation Aura and the whole Being-A-Giant-Demon leads to a ton of hilarious suicide charges into groups with even one good caster. Maybe at 80 we'll see some scary guys who use Metamorph properly.
Hunters will be fine once everybody gets over holy shit corehound and realizes Survival is the real wotlk hero class.
Survival is the secret smart hunter tree. Ran Kara last night, had a pair of BM-tards rank 7th and 5th on DPS(That 7th guy wearing T4/Season gear and being only ahead of the tank and two healers.)
Our Guild's own hybrid BM/Survival spec topped the boards for most of the night and easily broke 1000 DPS.