Huh, is it blocked outside of the US?
In regards to the birth control controversy, Sean Hannity conviened a panel on Fox on the subject of contraception. Was proported to be a diverse panel, with Jewish and Catholic and White and Black men, but predictably zero women.
Very quickly, Hannity drives the conversation to "Is there a war now, on religion?" to which a catholic priest immediately answers "There certainly is!" It clips away, then when it comes back Hannity asks "How many of your would be willing to go to jail for this?" About three quarters raise their hands. A priest goes "If I'm asked to do something that goes against my conscience, I'd better be willing to die for that!"
A guy on an msnbc discussion panel then drops the Godwin in relating this contraception issue to the rise of Nazi Germany, saying that "In the beginning, it starts really really small", another guy quotes Martin Niemoller's "During the Nazi era in Germany, I didn't speak up when they came for the communists, because I wasn't a communist"
Stewart points out that Hitler never "started out small", going on about the incident that put Hitler in jail, then Mein Kampf's popularity, then the public 1932 shootings by the browncoats of his political opponents, then the massive yearly Nazi gatherings. And so forth.
Stewart basically goes on to talk about how Christian conservatives claiming religious prosection here cheapens actual religious prosection that happens in egypt and china and elsewhere in the world today. He finishes with "You've confused a war on your religion with not always getting everything you want."
Also I guess this should be in the abortion thread, huh.