Culturalism. There is no genetic link between people's traits and origin.
Specifically, I am culturalist against the wahabbi sect of islam, and those who purvey those teachings from the madrassas, the same sect which is funded by the Sauds, and the same sect which has lead to the attacks on the original authors of the cartoons, as well as the late Mr Gogh.
In more detail, this is culturalist against the same group who would take so much offense that they would shut block facebook and youtube in Pakistan from sheer rage, case spinless organizations such as Viacom to shudder to the point of censoring an entire speech about not cowering in in the name of percieved threats, and culturalist against the mentality which led a pack of somalis to chase down people of the pro-israel lobby the other month across a bridge in my fair city. With machetes.
Let me be clear, as much as you fear the Christian right, I, and possibly some people you know, have had people who have been killed by someone who follows a puritan sect such as the Wahabbi.
This is not against anyone more moderate, who would have the galls to shake their head and move on, just like you would at an inebriated individual shouting to you and the world about nonsense, but those who would use fear and violence to ensure things are not said or depicted.
As someone important would say, "I do not agree with your drawing, but I will give my life to defend your right to draw it".