oh, fuck it.
2. Head outside. You need to find them before it gets dark.
Something is wrong. The house is quiet, and a sense of queerness has been steadily rising in the back of your mind since you awoke. You take one last look around and head out the front door.
The minivan from the front of the yellow house is parked in the driveway. You walk down the sloped white concrete and open the driver's side door.
Nothing. Empty seats. Gas reads E. The backseats have been put down, presumably so they could transport you.
You feel the knife in your pocket press uncomfortably against your leg as you bend over to look in the car. You open the pocket and pull it out. Hmm. Have to find some sort of way to carry this without stabbing yourself. Short of just carrying it around, nothing comes to mind. You put it in the driver's side cup holder for now.
Finding another car might be something you should be doing. But first things first. Nicole and David.
There are three other houses, similar to the one you're staying in, in this small circular drive. The road goes around a small bunch of trees and a bed of flowers. The gate leading to the rest of the neighborhood is shut.
There is one house to your left and two to your right. None of them show any signs of activity. The yards are all a bit overgrown. The houses themselves look similar to the one you were staying in: Rich folks, but not mansions or anything. Just upper class. Nice and plush. There are no cars, but all the garages are shut.
Poker in hand, you walk over to the gate. It's one of those automatic things that presumably opens when someone who lives in one of these four houses presses their electronic button. Though this isn't an adventure game, so you could just climb over the gate easily. Getting through with a car might be a bit tougher.
The gate is shut. There's a box mounted on the side, but it's locked. Unless David and Nicole climbed over, you'd think they'd probably be inside still.
1. Stand outside the three houses, shouting for them.
2. Go back inside and wait.
3. Do a quick search of all three houses.
4. Climb over the gate. David did say that the food from the nearby houses was almost gone. They might be looking for supplies elsewhere.