1. Time to go. There's enough time to make it to the front door.
You tear your eyes and focus away from this thing and rush toward the door. Vines reach out for you, a few feet away, as you pass.
"You will be fine!" he says, still bright and sweet. "Nick ole Id! Hello!"
You make it to the door, open it, step through, and turn to shut it. The man is closing. You slam the door as the vines and his arms reach toward you.
It almost immediately starts to open again. Luckily it opens outward, and you throw yourself against it. It thuds against your body. The doorknob twists back and forth wildly.
"Shit," you say under your breath. You look around for something to brace the door with. Nothing on the porch. A chair, but it's out of reach and probably wouldn't work anyway.
Suddenly the pressure against the door stops. You feel something move against your leg.
You look down to see a vine coming from the crack under the door. It's snaking its way up your leg, and as you try to pull your leg away, it wraps around tightly, cutting through the fabric of your pants. Pain flares up your body. You scream and stab downward as best you can with your poker.
Crunch. The vine spasms as the tip of your poker crushes it to the ground. From the other side of the door you hear the man let out a low wet hiss. You twist the poker and the vines shudders, then goes limp, releasing your leg.
There is a moment of complete silence. Then --
The sudden force of the impact throws you backward, off the porch. You roll away and get to your feet, favoring your good leg.
The man stands in the open doorway. More vines are coming out of him now, whirling and twisting. More than twice that which you've seen any Faceless have before. He opens his mouth again, and it distends hugely. A low hissing noise emits from it.
You start to back away. He follows, closing his mouth. His head is again hanging to one side. He steps down off the porch, into the driveway. His belly suddenly rips open, more vines erupting from the opening. These vines are longer, thicker than the rest.
You turn and run. Adrenaline masks the pain in your leg.
From behind you, you hear him speak again:
"Your friends are fine! You are fine! We are fine. Nick Dave!"
You run up the street, away from him. Out of a nearby house a Faceless comes through an open front door. He SCREEs at you as you pass.
You're running blind, panicked. Got to get away get away away got to get away get away they're right behind me get away get away
You turn a corner in the road to see two Faceless ahead of you in the street. A tall woman with long dark hair, and an old man wearing a nightshirt and pajama bottoms. They both walk toward you in that crazy bow legged gait. The old man stops for a moment, and out of the hole that used to be his face a blast of hot air and screaming noise hits you. From behind you, another scream answers it. Then another, from farther away, up ahead.
The screams are like a slap of cold water to your face. The panic drains away, being replaced with a sinking feeling of dread. This entire area is fucking crawling with infected.
A wet slithering, thumping noise from behind you. You whirl and see the Crawler as it springs from under a nearby bush. You catch it in midair with your poker, swinging at it like you would a baseball. It splits open and flies away, landing on a nearby lawn. The vines lay still on the grass.
From behind you, you hear another scream, but this one is lower, more growling. You really hope that's not what you think it is.
The two Faceless in front of you are continuing their approach.
1. A nearby house has a car parked in the driveway. The front door is open. If you can find the keys inside...
2. Keep running. Away from the Faceless, away from the screams.
3. Run back the way you came. If you can make it back over the gate, you sssssssssss
4. Attack the two Faceless in front of you.
Location: Northern California, Spanish Gardens
Health: Leg wounded, extent of damage presently unknown, still usable
Infection: sssss |
Weapons: Poker
Assets: Flashlight, backpack of about one days worth of food/water
Skills: None
"They" encountered:
Form: Humanoid
Attacks: Vines
Resilience: Medium, can be killed by massive damage to torso
Speed: Low
Special/Notes: Central nervous system does not seem to be present in the head
"Flesh Worm"
Form: Worm
Attacks: Mouth, Unknown
Resilience: Unknown
Speed: Unknown
Special/Notes: Unknown
Form: Humanoid
Attacks: Unknown, seemed to summon other faceless. Changed a bird into a Crawler. Killed "Jacob".
Resilience: Unknown
Speed: Unknown
Special/Notes: Can suddenly vanish, or turn invisible. May be all in your head.
Form: Vermin
Attacks: Long Vines
Resilience: Low
Speed: High
Special/Notes: Can climb and stick to walls, ceilings.
Form: Canine
Attacks: Vines
Resilience: Medium
Speed: High
Special/Notes: Unknown
Form: Humanoid
Attacks: Vines
Resilience: Unknown
Speed: Medium
Special/Notes: Can speak. Seems somewhat stronger than a normal Faceless.