go find me a translated copy of the game where the download link is not IRUWIPUTERIPAFDSPJBGJSLHVLCYGJYLRUTLIASU and i'll play it ok
Meanwhile, on the first page of a google search on Geo's computer.Being a dick for no reason.
Yeah, well I slept with your wife!
No, I knew the original music and graphics were included in the game as an option, Brent.
all the charm of the original playing experience completely missing
Yeah, I was refering to the charm of the original experience. I realize that to someone who still hasn't played this or even heard of it before may still get the same thing from the game that I did back whenever I first played this the first time, but it just felt to me like they really wouldn't when I wrote that. So whatever I conceed tha thet feeling I had and statement I then made weren`t really based on anything concrete. I was just being a big indie game fag.
I also knew that Pixel was involved. I don't know why you would think I thought otherwise.
It would have been a huge success and Pixel would have made all the money he deserves for his hard work.
I don't see your point. I was saying that if they had gotten him to work on a new game for them, he would have gotten a bunch of money when it was successful. I was NOT saying that he wasn't making money off of this venture as well. You just read it that way because you thought I didn't know he was involved.
I beef is... what I said my beef was.
A website dedicated to trashing people's badly written opinions on internet video game forums.
Oops, I typoed. I guess you die a hero or you live long enough to become the villain.
add nothing, with negligible extras,
This right here is really the only reason I replied to this rather than just dropping the whole thing and accepting that I stated a sort of dumb opinion on this and that you guys landed on me like a sumo wrestler because you're a bunch of nerds and that's what you do.
What the hell, Brent. Way to quote me completely out of context to make me look like I contradict myself.
Why are they releasing this with new graphics and music that suck and add nothing, with negligible extras, when the game is already available for free to anyone with a PC.
Oh that's strange, it looks like I said the game has NEW GRAPHICS AND MUSIC that add nothing AND ON TOP OF THAT, IT ALSO HAS some negligible extras.
Is that clear enough now?
they will probably make next nothing from this
Okay, show of hands: who here is buying this just on this forum? And why do I see nothing but comments to the effect of "I'm definitely buying this"? Hell, I'm seeing comments to the effect of "I'm buying a Wii so I can play this" when I look it up. And considering the low development cost of the thing, they're pretty much looking at most of their income being profit here.
I don't consider asking the Worst Nostagia-Indie Gamer forums if they want to buy Cave Story to be solid evidence that it will be a hit.
For the record, I was being an asshole and I admit it. Really the only thing I should have had to say to anyone, if I had any sense, was that I personally have no interest in this rerelease and that in my opinion the new graphics and music they've made for it are stupid.
If Pixel and the other guy that seems to be taking the lead on this (I forget his name) want to release this for admittedly very little work on their part, then that's their perogative and it is probably worth a shot. I'm just saying, if it had been me, I just would have made an other game, maybe in the same vein but something new and fresh and then used my notoriety in the indiegame press to try and create a hype train that led to sales. But whatever, releasing Cave Story again before doing that, to suckers who don't know how to get it or to people who didn't play it to death already and would like to play it with a console controller, is a good way to gain notoriety too.