Kazz, His Lady Duke, and their personal guard rode faster through the mushrooms.
"Faster!" bellowed the Duke, brandishing his man-gun. "I will have penis tonight!"
Ahead of him, the Duke's hunters flushed out a flock of penii. With a startling explosion of man-juice, several penii burst through the surrounding bushes and flew like deflating balloons in all directions.
The Duke took aim.
"Oh, your majersty," said his wife the Lady Duke. "Your man-gun is so big."
"The better to fire mans into your base," replied the Duke, and pulled the trigger. The explosion was devastating and impregnated several virgins over three kingdoms away.
The Duke's hunters brought back the penis the Duke had hit. "Great shot, sir!" one said, reaching to congratulate the Duke with a handshake.
The Duke suddenly dismounted and punched a hole in the Hunter with his penis that ruptured the man in half and also drilled a deep well in the earth halfway or so to China.
Everyone gasped. The Duke leaned down and pulled off the Hunter's mask to reveal...
"Behold!" the Duke exclaimed, ripping off the Hunter's head and holding it aloft. "This man was not my loyal servant! He was sent by the neighboring Barony of Realism and Heterosexuality to assassinate me!"
Indeed, the Duke spoke the truth, for the head he held was not of a man, but a velociraptor.
"Truly you are a kind and just ruler, capable and sure," said one of the Duke's subjects.
"Yes, indeed, I am most so," the Duke said, casually sliding his dick out of that particular subject's mother. "Few have known a ruler so wise, a land so filled with peace and prosperity."
In the distance, several nuclear missiles landed, destroying the Duke's palace and obliterating his domain.
"But I grow weary of these lands," said the Duke. "We will travel onward to new lands, that we might plant the first seeds of Kazzia again."
Everyone nodded and smiled. The Duke mounted again, grabbing another subject to reload his weapon.
"Onward!" he exclaimed.
The Duke and nine of his loyal subjects came to an inn. After successfully bartering with the innkeeper and impregnating his wife and daughter, the Duke lead his men inside.
Once inside the great hall that the Duke had obtained for the night, he turned to his subjects and spoke.
"News has reached me that The Barony of Realism and Heterosexuality has sent more than one assassin," said the Duke, splitting his mount in half and using the bottom half as a chair. "Clearly the only recourse is for us to dress up, all of us, even my lovely queen, as lowly commoners from this village, and then lynch one person at a time until we can ascertain the Assassin's true identity. At this time he shall answer to me."
Everyone of course agreed that that made sense, and swiftly carried out his orders, the Assassin blended in among them.
Day 1
McDohl, the Guard who forgot to change (OR DID HE)
Constantine, the Butcher of Men, Dogs, and God himself
Niku, who forgot his hat
Lunartick, a mushroom who developed sentience after generations of suffering at the hands of a certain mole
Kazz, a guard dressed as Kazz (OR IS HE REALLY KAZZ)
Lady Duke, a guard dressed as Lady Duke (OR IS SHE REALLY THE DUKE COSPLAYING)
McFrugal, who is still in costume as Dracula from my previous game
Guild, dressed as Thad
Romosome, a puppy
Lee-Ham, an invisible murder-loli
It takes 6 votes to lynch.