From where I am sitting right here and I'll count the physical games I haven't played for more than 45 minutes.
Twenty three games I've not played for more than 45 minutes that I can see from my seat right here.
WAIT. 24. Spirit Tracks.
And those are physical games. I have 37 games on steam. I've beaten the Orange Box and Portal 2. The rest I've touched briefly if they were lucky. And then PSN? Oof. I've got Plus and an itchy shopping finger so 20 games on there I've not played past the first level.
Wait. My physical PC games are right behind me lemme... 28. It'd be 27 but I spy another Harvest Moon on top of it.
Twenty eight physical games I've not played more than 45 minutes within a quick glance.
What the fuck am I doing with my life?
EDIT: I am SO glad my SNES, Wii, and Genesis is in the other room. Add the GCN to that and there's 4 gens of consoles...