Man, I hate Schlock Mercenary's Doctor Bunnigus. What a psycho. I have nothing against strong female characters, I can stand Breya and Jevee and Elf even if they've occasionally been textureless feminist mouthpieces. But Bunnigus! Argh! She's that and so much worse. I think I first realized it when she drugged Tagon because she was afraid he'd fire her for fixing the fork-wound in his eye (and by that I mean the happy-drugs, not the sedative). Tagon's not the brightest tack in the six-pack but he's not retarded; he's not gonna fire the company doctor who happens to be his chaplain's wife and also a friend because she made sure he received appropriate medical care. He would have thrown a fit on account of what was technically disobedience, but that's his prerogative as the guy who signs her paychecks, and it certainly didn't give her a moral license to outright dope him. Jesus.
And now? Her marriage to Theo was a fabricated memory, and she feels the need to yell at him so he'll ask for her hand properly. That's bad enough, but moments prior they both were moping about it like there was nothing they could do. Yeah, so you figured it out half a second before he did, that totally entitles you to get all up in the poor wet noodle's face.
I almost want to go back and find more examples of her violent outbursts and chronic rageaholism but ironically that'd just piss me off and I for one don't revel in that emotion.