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Author Topic: Webcomics that aren't MSPA  (Read 122879 times)

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Re: Webcomicry
« Reply #380 on: April 25, 2009, 06:41:46 PM »

The late title card on the most recent MS Paint Adventure is breathtakingly impactful!  Think I'll ruin it by linking directly to it without context.


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Re: Webcomicry
« Reply #381 on: April 25, 2009, 09:40:13 PM »

While it's no CAD or Shredded Moose,

or Dresden Codak
Don't those update regularly, though? Oh come now it's not that bad.

I mean it's pretty sometimes. That's something.
Also why did I feel the need to google what Shredded Moose was? :barf:


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Re: Webcomicry
« Reply #382 on: April 26, 2009, 05:47:32 AM »

DON'T DO IT!   :ohshi~:


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Re: Webcomicry
« Reply #383 on: April 26, 2009, 06:10:35 AM »

Good ol' Dresden Codak.  I still read it, even though I'm not sure the guy understands the basic concepts of sequential storytelling.  The first couple of comics he did were pretty entertaining, then for some reason he decided he wanted to make Evangelion, except with a plucky ninja(?) girl who's willing to destroy a civilization because they were mean to the robot that wanted to kill them.  It was after that point that things really got kind of lazy and the plot began to make less sense than it already did.

Also, the art switches between looking good and cramming so much into his space as possible that it ends up resembling the paintings of Louis Wain.

Also, he releases more t-shirts and calls to buy his t-shirts than pages in the story.

And today's SMBC:


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Re: Webcomicry
« Reply #384 on: April 26, 2009, 07:05:27 AM »

Aaron Diaz is shit, his comic is shit, his storytelling skills are shit, his merchandise is shit, it's pretty much shit all around. Kimiko "am i kawaii? uguu~*" Ross is shit also, being a freakish chimaera of Diaz's feeling of cleverness and self-importance, loneliness, and unabashed, naked greed and willingness to pander to his pitiful audience of lame home-schooled nobodies. Did i mention that his fans are shit? They are. I'll have Yyler dig up some amazing quotes he found on Koala Wallop when he gets up, they are a hoot and a half. The best thing you could say about Dresden Codak is that it's a shitty version of A Lesson Is Learned But The Damage Is Irreversible, made by an asshole.

In addition to the t-shirts thing, he recently started selling a handbound collection of his Hob strips on his website. It's like 20 pages and costs over $100. The picture of the cover on his site makes it look nice, but it's actually all just covered in blue cloth and looks shitty. Basically Aaron Diaz should die in an oil fire. He sold out of his shitty books, too, because his fans are similarly shitty (see above).

* TL note: kawaii means cute


Bongo Bill

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Re: Webcomicry
« Reply #385 on: April 26, 2009, 07:21:57 AM »

I didn't know you wrote for Your Webcomic Is Bad And You Should Feel Bad, Norondor.
...but is it art?


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Re: Webcomicry
« Reply #386 on: April 26, 2009, 07:35:13 AM »

I've disagreed with you about some things in the past, Bill, but i like you a lot, because i genuinely look for the good in people. You're clever and often funny and you obviously like Cromartie High School, which marks you as a gentleman of wealth and taste. I don't personally know Aaron Diaz apart from the things he puts out on the internet, but going by those there's nothing to like about him, just like there's nothing to like about his stinky, horrible webcomic, aimed as it is at retards.


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Re: Webcomicry
« Reply #387 on: April 26, 2009, 07:48:03 AM »

The quotes he's talking about are his fans being like "All my life I didn't do well in school and got teased... I relate to Kimiko so much ^_^" or something. Man, I really don't want to look at that forum again. Not only are his fans complete idiots, but he's a complete idiot. You should see the disgusting way he reacts to negative criticism. If you don't like his comic, you don't understand it. Literally if you say he thinks everyone is inferior to him he responds with "stop being so inferior then." Read that whole thread FOR A BARREL OF LAFFS

I don't really want to post in this thread because I come from a webcomics forum where we've all nailed out a pretty solid canon of good webcomics. I'd get into a screaming match with probably almost everyone here if I ever tried to talk to anyone about why the comics they love are bad. So I will just list some things I like and read regularly, some of which I know have been mentioned: Wonderella, Unwinder's Tall Comics, Perfect Stars, Married to the Sea.

I don't read Thinkin' Lincoln very often, but it's actually a good comic most the time. Rice Boy is okay. I kind of have a bias towards a lot of comics because I know how their artist/writer thinks of their comic and it turns out they are fucking retarded (hi, David Malki !).



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Re: Webcomicry
« Reply #388 on: April 26, 2009, 07:56:44 AM »

Dresden Kodak is little more than awful fourth-rate fanfiction for a series that was so bad it doesn't even exist. The worst kind of weeaboo self-promotional, self-insertion, wish-fulfillment garbage.

Honestly? Any debate about DK gives it more legitimacy than it deserves.


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Re: Webcomicry
« Reply #389 on: April 26, 2009, 08:04:07 AM »

man my room got like ten degrees colder when i read that post, IM, good work

Disposable Ninja

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Re: Webcomicry
« Reply #390 on: April 26, 2009, 08:41:09 AM »

I liked Dresden Codak. It was... acceptably drawn, had some good design and ideas, and a fanservice-friendly main character. Entertaining stuff. Then it got all I don't really know what the fuck, something stupid.


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Re: Webcomicry
« Reply #391 on: April 26, 2009, 08:53:03 AM »

Everyone starts to hate it when he starts selling shirts. That's when he sees his comic as a way to make money and not as a fun diversion from real life. It's all on the internet, you can go read his posts on every webcomic forum. He's disgusting.

Bongo Bill

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Re: Webcomicry
« Reply #392 on: April 26, 2009, 09:03:17 AM »

I wasn't saying it's any good, just that if you want to convince people that something is shit, there are better ways to go about it than just saying over and over again that it is bad and that everybody who likes it is stupid.

I was insulting Your Webcomic Is Bad And You Should Feel Bad more than anything else. I hate that website. It's like: congratulations! You have successfully identified that shit stinks. And then you wrote five pages about the fact that it is stinky. It more resembles an exercise in the impressive number of ways that the writers can say "this is a bad comic" before they start repeating themselves, than any kind of actual (and well-deserved) criticism.

Then again, it's been a while since I read it. Maybe it's gotten better.
...but is it art?


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Re: Webcomicry
« Reply #393 on: April 26, 2009, 09:10:02 AM »

YWIBAYSFB has not updated in like a year

but a week or two ago my RSS feeds started screwing up and gave me a bunch of posts from like a year ago

my hopes were cruelly risen only to be dashed most expertly
i'm a blog now, blogs are cool: a fantastic machine made of meat


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Re: Webcomicry
« Reply #394 on: April 26, 2009, 09:15:48 AM »

Your Webcomic Is Bad And You Should Feel Bad would also provide valid criticism and point out the flaws in a work.  The problem is he would also get super angry and go on and on about how much he didn't like a webcomic.  I can't work up the energy to hate a webcomic and its audience just because it sucks.  I also have a bad habit of reading a webcomic long after I get bored or disinterested in it.  I still read Sluggy Freelance for like 3 years after I'd stopped caring.

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Re: Webcomicry
« Reply #395 on: April 26, 2009, 09:48:57 AM »

Each paragraph has a sentence that explains why the comic / author is horrible using actual well represented facts. Every other sentence in each paragraph is cursing, calling it / them a retard, or saying how they're afraid the author would actually try to have them killed.

Re: Dresden Kodak:
I loved the unholy shit out of it when each comic was a stand-alone. It was pretty, made me laugh, and hinted at heavy transhumanist seasonings. Then he tried to do the story and I realized that he had no fucking idea what transhumanism is.


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Re: Webcomicry
« Reply #396 on: April 26, 2009, 10:02:28 AM »

Hahaha oh wow. I mean the warning signs were there when I still bothered to read his forum but damn.

I thought the latest one was ok, though :shrug:. I distinctly remember him saying he'll continue the bullshit Hob-style nonsense; so, I'll probably end up avoiding it intentionally as opposed to the current apathy.

Also pretend the author doesn't exist so as not to ruin it. And turn on all the ad blocking software. Everyone wins!

Each paragraph has a sentence that explains why the comic / author is horrible using actual well represented facts. Every other sentence in each paragraph is cursing, calling it / them a retard, or saying how they're afraid the author would actually try to have them killed.

Re: Dresden Kodak:
I loved the unholy shit out of it when each comic was a stand-alone. It was pretty, made me laugh, and hinted at heavy transhumanist seasonings. Then he tried to do the story and I realized that he had no fucking idea what transhumanism is.

While we're on that, the singularity only refers the invention of an AI and nothing else. But that misconception's mostly Kurzweil's fault, though. That and the common idea that evolution is exponential progress and not just adaption that is neither progressive or regressive. I could go on.


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Re: Webcomicry
« Reply #397 on: April 26, 2009, 10:14:32 AM »

the singularity only refers the invention of an AI and nothing else.

What?  No it doesn't.  It refers specifically to the exponential increase in technological progress, and that if this trend were to continue it would reach a point beyond which no further predictions could be made, as technologies would presumably build upon each other in a run-away fashion.  AIs are certainly presumed to be a part of this, but are not required.

Beat Bandit

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Re: Webcomicry
« Reply #398 on: April 26, 2009, 10:22:02 AM »

the singularity only refers the invention of an AI and nothing else.
You're confusing the Kurzweil Misconception with the Dresden Kodak Misconception, which is that the singularity is "LOL ROBOTS LET'S ALL KILL OURSELVES NOW BECAUSE THEY ARE BETTER!" Kurzweil described the singularity as a point where technological advances that directly effect the body reach an apex in which completely natural and completely robotic are more-or-less the same thing. The actual singularity is what Cthulhu said.


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Re: Webcomicry
« Reply #399 on: April 26, 2009, 10:33:03 AM »

What?  No it doesn't.  It refers specifically to the exponential increase in technological progress, and that if this trend were to continue it would reach a point beyond which no further predictions could be made, as technologies would presumably build upon each other in a run-away fashion.  AIs are certainly presumed to be a part of this, but are not required.

No, the point of the singularity is not ever increasing technological complexity. The point is that a non-human superintelligent entity will come into existence and therefore making the future impossible to predict. Science fiction currently predicts semi-accurately what normal humans would do with widely advanced technology.

This is the core concept: a non-human superintelligence is required for it to be truly unpredictable.

It is entirely possible for there to be a dark age or a drop in technology in some areas and still create an AI. All you need is computers and sufficiently clever programmers. This is why the exponential technological growth idea is invalid. It is not a necessary condition, merely a probable side effect.
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