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Author Topic: 10 Cent Schematics  (Read 689 times)

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10 Cent Schematics
« on: November 05, 2008, 01:56:45 PM »

In an effort to quell the burning need to get our write on in the desolate post-Mayor blogosphereical wasteland, Doom and I have courageously erected a radiant beacon of taste, profit-mongering, and daredevil journalism we hereby christen
First and foremost, 10 Cent's an excuse to get us, and anyone else interested, writing again, and writing regularly. There aren't really too many limitations on what you can and can't put up, really -- obviously we'd like it to have some sort of point, and entertain if possible, but that's completely secondary to just writing something to write something, to keep your brain exercized'd.

Secondly, I've set up an ingenious automated rotating image header, which'll stamp a different hastily conceived idea/scheme/progression/whatevs across the top of the page on each reload. At the moment I've just got the following pseudo-joke to give you an idea of what we're aiming for:
...but that's what this thread is for. I'm mostly just looking for suggestions, half-baked blueprint ideas that I'll mock up in Photoshop and upload onto the site for lulz. If you're feeling ambitious, by all means, make a 535px by 246px png, give it some semblance of a drawn-on sharpie/pencil look and post it here. No limit on how many steps it has, or even if the process actually results in anything, just that it's sorta funny or clever.

Alternately, just draw up something on a piece of paper, scan it, and send me the rough jpg and I'll get it looking right for the header.

There're still a few areas that need touchin' up - tags, a separate page for image sizes and instructions, Doom's idea for a few stock image backgrounds, a few graphical tweaks - but yeah, if something looks off or outright doesn't work, lemme know here. Otherwise, register up, get to it, and let your imagination take you awwaaaayyyy!
 :imagination: :imagination: :imagination: :imagination: :imagination: :imagination: :imagination: :victory: