It's the underlying concept: no animal research, no human medicine.
The underlying concept was hypocrisy, but absent the advent of time travel, that isn't the case here. This nation was built upon slavery and manifest destiny, yet are we to endorse those actions by enjoying the fruits which have come about? Secondly, no animal research, no human medicine? Embryonic stem cells? Cells grown in culture? Human skin models? Cadavers? Patch tests? These methods have gained leaps and bounds in prominence compared to animal testing over the last century, due in part to reliability and costs. Animal testing has proven that it isn't full-proof, causing adverse reactions within humans, and leading to numerous products being removed from the shelves.
Maybe PETA should dedicate itself to developing it
Reiterating that alternatives are developed, and that we're dealing with an advocacy and awareness group that highlights them.
To me it seemed like they were just pointing out that PETA ends up killing the majority of the animals that they save. Open or not, something's not quite right.
Once again, on the national scale, three out of four animals are saved through PETA. Critics are selective with state - by - state numbers by cherry-picking various years in which the majority could not be saved, when instead a better usage of time would be in finding common ground in this area.
P.S. funneling tens of thousands of dollars to a convicted ALF arsonist. Nor was this an isolated incident.
Thanks for the link. These individuals are known as 'ex-ALF', but considering ALF is merely a concocted association (see also: the origin of Al-Qaeda), it could be difficult to parse that point. Notice how these funds were used? Legal defense for a multitude of cases leading to a mixture of guilty and non-guilty verdicts.
Is the sum of an organization the perceived low-point of its history? One is reminded of the Oil-for-Food Programme. Is the entirety the United Nations to be condemned for such mistakes? Logically, no. The baby does not follow along with the bath water, as the positives trounce the negatives by remarkable factors.