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Author Topic: Street Fighter 2  (Read 7659 times)

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  • Akzidenz Grotesk
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Street Fighter 2
« on: November 22, 2008, 05:37:55 PM »

So a few people seemed to express some interest in learning 2d fighters. Malikial has played Super Street Fighter 2 Turbo with me. Kashan tried before we came to some connection difficulties (that have been fixed. It was dumb), I know Patito will play, Aintaer, my current guest has stated interest and several other people have also expressed interest. Instead of playing with each person once or twice and rocking their shit, I'm thinking it would be more interesting and funner if I could get SEVERAL OF YOU to play at the same time, so instead of just fighting Big Bully Kayin, you could fight each other and it'd be more enjoyable to everyone!

So the question is, who's a bad enough dude to be up for some SF2 netplay over GGPO? (

The netplay quality is amazing and I'm willing to help anyone with any character. SF2 is still a great game and is a good entry game to get into more 'modern' 2d fighters. So who's game?


  • Pika-boo
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Re: Street Fighter 2
« Reply #1 on: November 22, 2008, 05:42:23 PM »

How about the new Street Fighter 2 HD Remix that is coming out on Wednesday?


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Re: Street Fighter 2
« Reply #2 on: November 22, 2008, 05:57:54 PM »

......... I don't have a next gen console and this is free. :(


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Re: Street Fighter 2
« Reply #3 on: November 24, 2008, 01:10:56 AM »

Anyways HDR comes out tomorrow and I have a friend with a 360 I'l hang with occasionally. How many people actually plan to buy the game, because if it's just mcdohl, you sissies gotta get up on that netplay.

Aintaer has been training in my cave in the ways of chun li. He'll be my pokemon or something.


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Re: Street Fighter 2
« Reply #4 on: November 24, 2008, 03:04:16 AM »

I've actually watched tuturial videos done by that one American guy who plays Dhalsim. (forget his name) I've also watched videos of high level tournament play by Deigo and such.

It's kind of sad that it mostly consists of old Sagat being a fucking TIGER whore. Then again, it's amazing watching how insanely good those players are.

Out of curiousity, Kayin, I know you're good, but how good are you? I mean, I'm assuming you couldn't stand against Deigo and the ilk, but if they're 100%, where would you put yourself?


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Re: Street Fighter 2
« Reply #5 on: November 24, 2008, 04:38:25 PM »

You mean Sirlin? He's not a Sim player as much as he just plays whoever he thinks makes him win a match. He's mostly known For Vega, Bison and Honda. At first I was like "What? Jason Cole made a tutorial?"

Anyways the dominance of O.Sagat is somewhat overstated. He has a number of bad matchups (notably to Dhalsim and Chun who are two very relevant matchups). He's harder to play then he looks too. The key to a fireball trap is generally not when to throw fireballs but when not to and 'how' to. I'd say Dhalsim or Balrog are better and are definitely more well rounded.

As for my self, I'm 'alright', especially on the local level.  I can play against most people from New York, but really high level players get to me -- the level below most of the famous players. I still gotta break into that next level.

I really can't give my self a percentage, since skill is a weird bell curve. I could be 98 out of 100 but that 2 percent would be a lot... Or 50% might understatement.

Anyways, I'm good enough to get top 8 in regional tournaments., but I still can't touch the people above me.


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Re: Street Fighter 2
« Reply #6 on: November 24, 2008, 08:50:50 PM »

uhh, XBLA games as a rule come out on Wednesdays


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Re: Street Fighter 2
« Reply #7 on: November 24, 2008, 09:22:27 PM »

You know, if you end up using the emulator you mentioned in the first post, I would be interested to see if my dislike of fighters stems from a lack of understanding more than anything else...

But as for the XBL game... eh. Unless it's enough to buy with the 700 points I have left over from whenever, then I'll have to pass. I'm pretty damn broke, and my Gold expires on the 24th of December.
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  • Akzidenz Grotesk
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Re: Street Fighter 2
« Reply #8 on: November 25, 2008, 01:18:13 AM »

uhh, XBLA games as a rule come out on Wednesdays

You know theres something called a PS3 right?

You know, if you end up using the emulator you mentioned in the first post, I would be interested to see if my dislike of fighters stems from a lack of understanding more than anything else...

But as for the XBL game... eh. Unless it's enough to buy with the 700 points I have left over from whenever, then I'll have to pass. I'm pretty damn broke, and my Gold expires on the 24th of December.

Well I'll always be available for GGPO play and I love trying to be helpful, so I can answer anything you want to know. ST is a hard game though and theres some painful 'learn by example/fire" stuff to deal with.

Also the game is like 1600 points.


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Re: Street Fighter 2
« Reply #9 on: November 25, 2008, 01:23:13 AM »

uhh, XBLA games as a rule come out on Wednesdays

You know theres something called a PS3 right?

But PS3 download days are Thursdays!

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Re: Street Fighter 2
« Reply #10 on: November 25, 2008, 01:24:23 AM »

You mean Sirlin? He's not a Sim player as much as he just plays whoever he thinks makes him win a match. He's mostly known For Vega, Bison and Honda.

Oh, yeah. Him. I think he might have stated that Dhalsim was his favorite? Yeah, I didn't mean exclusively. I've seen him play other characters.

Anyways the dominance of O.Sagat is somewhat overstated. He has a number of bad matchups (notably to Dhalsim and Chun who are two very relevant matchups). He's harder to play then he looks too. The key to a fireball trap is generally not when to throw fireballs but when not to and 'how' to. I'd say Dhalsim or Balrog are better and are definitely more well rounded.

Oh, yeah. I've seen people kick O. Sagat's ass. I was saying how matches with him tend to be boring to watch compared to others just due to the sheer number of fireballs you have to sit through.

Anyway, I know that people say that there isn't one best character (not counting Akuma) but I'm curious:

If you were playing for a million dollars against a mystery player who was playing a character you wouldn't find out about until the match had started, who would you play as?

I guess I could just say "who is your favorite?" but this is more like a "who is your favorite/best with/most well rounded" question.


  • Akzidenz Grotesk
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Re: Street Fighter 2
« Reply #11 on: November 25, 2008, 02:17:47 AM »

uhh, XBLA games as a rule come out on Wednesdays

You know theres something called a PS3 right?

But PS3 download days are Thursdays!

NOT THIS WEEK. HAHAHAHA. I guess they figured since Turkey day is a bad day to release, they might as well beat Microsoft.

You mean Sirlin? He's not a Sim player as much as he just plays whoever he thinks makes him win a match. He's mostly known For Vega, Bison and Honda.

Oh, yeah. Him. I think he might have stated that Dhalsim was his favorite? Yeah, I didn't mean exclusively. I've seen him play other characters.

Anyways the dominance of O.Sagat is somewhat overstated. He has a number of bad matchups (notably to Dhalsim and Chun who are two very relevant matchups). He's harder to play then he looks too. The key to a fireball trap is generally not when to throw fireballs but when not to and 'how' to. I'd say Dhalsim or Balrog are better and are definitely more well rounded.

Oh, yeah. I've seen people kick O. Sagat's ass. I was saying how matches with him tend to be boring to watch compared to others just due to the sheer number of fireballs you have to sit through.

Anyway, I know that people say that there isn't one best character (not counting Akuma) but I'm curious:

If you were playing for a million dollars against a mystery player who was playing a character you wouldn't find out about until the match had started, who would you play as?

I guess I could just say "who is your favorite?" but this is more like a "who is your favorite/best with/most well rounded" question.

O.Sagat is definitely boring to watch, ESPECIALLY if you don't know what to look for. I enjoy watching fireball spam because I can see whats going

This is a great match though! Kurahashi does a beautiful job manuevering around those tiger shots and Choi is probably the best US player there is for ST (Don't be fooled by tigertigertiger, he's also a skilled Ryu and Guile player!).

As for who I'd choose, almost certainly Dee-Jay. I have experience with him, none of his matchups are notably bad (he's at a very slight disadvantage to Ryu and O.Sagat) and has good answers to a lot of problems. Also his crossup combo does a fuck ton of damage and I can use it to prey for a win if outclassed. Dee-Jay is a great character who no one really played. :(


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Re: Street Fighter 2
« Reply #12 on: November 25, 2008, 10:31:00 AM »

I diddn't play much dee-jay but when it came to 3rd strike i played a ton of Dudley. I remember in turbo though the bite throw was my one weakness.


  • Akzidenz Grotesk
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Re: Street Fighter 2
« Reply #13 on: November 25, 2008, 01:31:21 PM »

I love how Dudley and Balrog play nothing alike, despite them both being boxers. I can't even think of who Dudley plays like in anything else ever. He's like Capcom's Vanessa or something.

Anyways, Blanka Bites are pretty great, yeah, but bite got nothing on Dhalsim's noogies, or Balrog's headbutt mixup (or Ken's kneebash mixup!). Nothing like getting grabbed, then having to deal with a cross-under mixup that can also lead to another throw. Yow!


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Re: Street Fighter 2
« Reply #14 on: November 25, 2008, 03:46:00 PM »

Well, Kayin, I've always wondered. Are Ryu and Ken literally exactly the same like I've been led to believe or are they just balanced differently in how hard different attacks hit?
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Re: Street Fighter 2
« Reply #15 on: November 25, 2008, 05:09:30 PM »

I've heard that Ryu has a more powerful fireball and Ken has a more powerful uppercut.


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Re: Street Fighter 2
« Reply #16 on: November 25, 2008, 06:10:50 PM »

Buge is sort of right, but I'll give some more detail. They are significantly different, especially in Super Turbo. They were indeed identical in World Warrior but that proceeded to change with each game.

To highlight some uniqueness


*Better fireballs (faster and recover sooner)
*Hurricane kick knocks down on hit
*Jumping MP can juggle (into super even!)
*A grounded overhead that comnbos into sweep
*An advancing punch
* Fierce Kick good anti air
*Red Fireball, which recovers slower but can knock down if close.


*Better Shoryukens. His Jab DP is safe on block and his fierce hits INSTANTLY (0 frames). Also has more horizontal range.
*Hurricane kicks combo but do not knock down
*Fierce Kick is an excellent poke
*Medium Kick throw is an awesome hold style thriw (untechable) that leads into awesome mixups
*Has 3 special kick commands (qcf kick, DP kick, HCF kick) that can be used in combos or sometimes as an overhead.

In practice...


Awesome fireball zoner, better overall solutions to most problems. He has tighter anti air. though it might not sound that way, but his jab DP is better anti air then Ken's Jab DP (it has head vulnerability and is better for ground fighting). His Jumping MP juggle is damaging and also good anti air. He has very respectable mixup, though simple and can end most situations with a knock down.  He's overall the better of the two.


Less good at fireball keep out and anti air, Ken is better at ground fighting and aiming for throws. Shoto Jab DPs can even hit sweeps and with Ken's being mostly safe, he can spam the hell out of it. His knee bash grab leads to one of the best mixups in the game as he can choose between crossing under you or not while you recover, or safe jumping in with jumping lk. He has a lot of flashy trick shot ocmbos with his funky kicks too!

In the end they play every different, even if their changes don't sound so dramatic.


  • Pika-boo
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Re: Street Fighter 2
« Reply #17 on: November 26, 2008, 04:55:05 PM »

Ken's funky kicks are even more pronounced in the HD remix, because they all move GORGEOUSLY.

I mean, this game is SO GORGEOUS that I catch myself trying to do stuff from games like CvS2 with dodge rolls and super arts that the characters don't have, like Ken's Shippu Jinrai Kyaku.


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Re: Street Fighter 2
« Reply #18 on: November 29, 2008, 06:38:27 PM »

Finally got to play. Man, XBL players suck, I got a 15 win run in some room with gief then called it quits ot get some dinner. Sadly it was my friends 360.

Looks good, but theres some bad animation popping at times.


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Re: Street Fighter 2
« Reply #19 on: December 04, 2008, 07:37:55 PM »

Aintaer bought me a ps3. I got hdr. My name is KayinNasaki.

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