12/22. [spoiler]I know someone earlier said that the decision on 12/5ish over who the real killer was, was basically limited to all the contacts and the killer, but for some reason it didn't click until I tried to be all funny and get the bad ending by picking random characters and ended up selecting Adachi and... yeah. I feel kind of gypped now, actually.
Watching the world slowly descend into hell over the course of the month is rather chilling, though, plus I suspect that the lecture you got from the P3 teacher is going to be oddly relevant later on.
It's also a bit odd in that there's Big Shit going down but the guy you've been trying to find and stop isn't actually directly responsible for it. Well, I guess that's how it sort of worked in P3, but they were more responsible for it in that than the relevant parties are in P4.[/spoiler]
Still having fun, though. Especially now since I'm using all the awesome "make shit explode" personas like Trumpeter and Norn. Oh Debilitate, I've been waiting seventy levels for you. Let's be friends... forever.