Worst Podcast Ever - Episode 06 - Tabletop Gaming (F5)
~ "You have to shoot your dog to regain sanity?" ~Length: 45:55 Minutes Size: 21MB
Hosts: MadMaxJr & McDohl
Special Guests: JDigital & PsEG
From board games to miniature wargames, we run the gauntlet on the fineries and atrocities of competitive and cooperative flat surface communal gaming.
Tech Junk:17 minutes removed.
PsEG, clear voice, excellent flow. Your time with Jerk Radio has served you well, except for the oddball electronic interference that occurred.
must recommend a better mic. More to the point, a Rocketfish USB headset. Dohl & I have our own, and so should anyone interested in joining the cast. I'm
this close to buying a communal headset for folks to mail to one another after each recording.
As far as I could tell, A Dragon Eats You was never brought up again. :(
Discussing shadows over camelot without meeeeeee. ;-;