<Brentai> "If you really want my opinion, I think the next direction will be toward "hardware virtualization". That's where input and output devices aren't physical things (like actual keyboards, speakers, monitors etc), but are presented through some combination of software and a generic interface. We've already taken large steps in that direction - think about the "virtual keyboard" on most phones...
<Brentai> ...and tablets as an example - but there's plenty more to do. For example, we have laser-projected full-sized keyboards that allow you to type normally into your phone or tablet on any surface without a physical keyboard. Right now those devices are a bit too big to be practical but it's a small step to have them embedded into the phones themselves. There are also smartphones with...
<Brentai> ...projectors built in - theoretically you COULD just remove the touchscreen display entirely and have the entire interface be projected, with cameras to track user movement. We already have camera-based interfaces with stuff like the Kinect, which (as long as you're using an XBox) can actually replace a physical controller or remote control. Stuff like this, as it gets more advanced and...
<Brentai> ...reliable, will probably alter - again - the way we normally interact with our information devices."
<myew> Guys i have a piece of nintendo hardware.