Somebody cracks "there's Doom being a Doom" and me and three other people tell him he's an idiot because the match just started and I've been on the same team since the gate opened. It's like I've got some sort of goofy, misguided fan club.
I think that was me? But I don't actually get mad at you for switching teams, I'm honestly amused by it... which is why I joke about it. It's not some spineless passive-aggressive complaint, it really is just me saying "Oh you!".
I mean if you were the only good player we had and were always the guy carrying teams, yeah, that would irritate me, but as much as folks complain that "OMG DOOM IS OP AND NEEDS A NERF", we have lots of good players. So, LAWL whatevs.
I agree I like to play on a team that has good teamwork going on. But I also like to "play with the hand I was dealt", so while I do switch teams, it's generally so Starr and I can play on the same team. I'll be honest, it feels like a cop-out to me to switch to the winning team
just because they're winning. "Oh, I can't play, so I'll just ride someone else's coattails to victory".
Nor do I really have fun when I'm beating up on people who are obviously less-skilled. Example: Unlike Doom, I find the small matches can often be really funny due to the weird shit that happens. On many occasions I have deliberately played solo against two players AND switched to a class I'm terrible with because that was actually balanced teams. Those have been some of the funniest games I've played.
Anyway, my choice means that hey, I'm on a lot of losing teams and sure, and sometimes that pisses me off if it goes on ALL night. But I'm not stupid enough to assume this applies to everyone - it's MY CHOICE to stay on losing teams, after all, anybody can do what Doom does. It's simply a case of what matters more to you. It matters more to me to dance with the one whut brung ya, so I gotta live with that choice.
Ok, fine. No one is spy checking. Shut up about it or change it. Don't be part of the problem.
I spent that entire rant running around as a Pyro trying to kill Doom. During the rant Doom was still backstabbing people as they walked out of the spawn because they are mysteriously deaf to the Dead Ringer noise and argararrgaghar
Okay, off topic. I understand your point - I think the problem here is that we're all getting mad at each other about a bunch of dumb shit that a bunch of pubbies do, i.e not spychecking and then ragequitting at the apex of a round because they are being dominated, or wondering how our four snipers haven't managed to kill a sentry, or somehow voting to play goddamn Hoodoo for fuck's sake I hate Hoodoo so god damn much it is such a boring shitty map and yet we still manage to vote for it fucking somehow and
Off topic again. Point is pubbies are the enemy.
I usually don't mind team stacking against pubbies, and I have have absolutely zero issue with it if they're the cocky or whiny kind.
But really, you guys should really just lighten up some more.
Yeah, who the hell has time to type
steam whisper whining mid game? Geez what the hell?