ARC EDIT: made a thing
The drumbeat for the next incarnation of The Mayor is beginning to fill my inbox. Reassuringly, the desire for community-based content appears to be as strong now as ever. Another voyage into the abyss was inevitable, and so my proposal is as follows:
Reviewing the unique projects we have created, The Mayor & The End standout immediately. In one, we have an absurd character, and in another we have an untapped play system. Merging the two together, a bizarre succession of interactive storylines could arise.
Employing a small committee of writers, updates once every two to three days would be a breeze. The storyline could be held on a presentable front page, while voting and discussion occur within the boards. A new topic would be posted with every update, complete with adjustable poll. In this manner, new members would be directly introduced to the boards, with a secure voting system already in place.
Artwork, comics, music samples, voice work, and even small game prototypes from our community could be included at random, or planned to coincide with the events in the storyline. Extracurricular articles are welcome, but would not hold priority.
In the The Mayor, we already hold oddball design and background work of which to draw from. In Friday's The End, an evolving Choose Your Own Adventure system was born, offering an experience not often (if at all) seen before. The growth potential for both are rich, and possibly dynamite together.