As far as I know I'm the one who's shaped my mother's political beliefs.
Ditto every thing Iron Mongrel said about killing.
There are certain fiscally conservative ideas I'm down with even as I find myself a card carrying socialist.
This thread feels like it's two threads right from the start. Draw a line through this post here, everything after is below the belt.
A lot of ideals that are typically called feminine are ridiculous to me. I care about evidence more than feelings, for instance. But the thing is, so do about as many women as men. To call something a feminine ideal is a false choice, everyone knows by now that it is, worldview is linked to gender only to the extent it is to race or class, which is to say: to the extent that one group is isolated from the mainstream by others. As far as I've ever seen anecdotally or in studies we're capable of being startlingly alike in all the ways we think we're different, with difference arising mostly from environment and negatable on a personal basis in cases where a person decides they don't like something about themself and want to change it.
I think you'll find feminists, even ones who are just decent people and don't really self-identify with the movement, are as likely as Rudov or Masterson to say that it's best to go dutch in restaurants and share gifts equally on equal incomes and so on, all basically saying as you said, down with tradition and down with expected generosity, except in the case of female feminists they're doing it at a net loss to the wish-I-were-hypermasculine cable news shit stirrer stooge's gain.
Men who say they don't understand women baffle me. Inference is that they understand all other men. Stories about thinking they've learned their lesson from one ended relationship, tried to apply what they learned in another and found it didn't work. You'd almost thing women were autonomous individuals. What do women want? is the question that comes up in relation to this. They want what anyone wants and they want what they as individuals want.
Rudov's website reminds me of the Time Cube while Dick Masterson seems to be an aggressive parody of himself and the news and more retarded viewers aren't in on the joke. Is this just wishful thinking? Oh god I hope I don't make the Foxworthy thing come back.