[spoiler]Odd thing. I had this annoying callus-looking blemish on the tip of my left thumb for about a year. It was like a little nodule of uneven skin, or a wart or something weird. I don't remember how I got it. It never went away, even when I left it alone. Sometimes I'd snip it off with nailclippers when it got too big or flaky.
About two weeks ago, I was just fiddling with it. You know, digging at it with a compass or something. I coaxed the nub almost completely free, but it felt really sensitive. But while I was at FNM, I was reaching into my bag for something and it got caught on the edge of something sharp. Suddenly it started bleeding, and I don't mean a just-picked scab bleeding, I mean oops-I-opened-a-vein bleeding. I managed to staunch the bleeding with some kleenexes that remained glued to my thumb for the duration of the night, which, let me tell you, is quite annoying when you're playing cards. A Bandaid was administered later. Normally, the callus-wart thingy would have grown back again by now, but there's no trace of it.[/spoiler]
the wart is gone completely.
(spoilertagged for grossness)