For some reason today, I simply haven't gotten hungry. I didn't eat much yesterday either, but at least I ate something of substance. I've had a cafe au lait, two bottles of water and a bottle of green tea to drink, and a few high chews to eat today and I'm still not hungry. Nor am I getting my usual bout of greatly increased stupidity that comes with not eating. I was getting kinda hungry until I got to Akihabara, at which point it went away immediately, as did all the feelings of negativity which had plagued me this morning. Apparently I have the magical ability to feed off of ambient nerdiness alone for short periods of time.
As a side note on Akihabara, the less specific shops had normal, completely non-nerdy items shockingly close to seriously nerdy/obscene shit. Case and point; a case full of men's watches all of one display case away from tentacle porn figures, with naught but a moe anime figure collection as the buffer. Or just nude figures right next to wallets.