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Author Topic: Effects of Mass  (Read 66932 times)

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Beat Bandit

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Re: Effects of Mass
« Reply #900 on: June 22, 2012, 01:31:59 PM »

There is so much stupid in that comparison that I literally can't sort out all the wrong to make a proper post. Thankfully anyone who isn't TA shouldn't require that.


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Re: Effects of Mass
« Reply #901 on: June 22, 2012, 01:40:12 PM »

Our researchers have found that people with heavy exposure to the internet have difficulty distinguishing between what they demand and what they deserve.


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Re: Effects of Mass
« Reply #902 on: June 22, 2012, 01:44:39 PM »

I demand to be player 1.


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Re: Effects of Mass
« Reply #903 on: June 22, 2012, 01:45:01 PM »

Ahem, TA, my only response can be... BITCH, I SAID WHAT?


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Re: Effects of Mass
« Reply #904 on: June 22, 2012, 01:50:31 PM »

Is it really that bad to feel entitled to something when a single game can cost as much as two months of basic cable service? As much as 3 DVDs or four trips to a non-matinee showing at the movie theater? We have one of the most expensive forms of entertainment there is, and while I'm not going to argue that videogames aren't worth the money or cost too much, I am going to argue that when a game is sold on building people's expectations for closure, not providing that closure is what I would call a dick move. And I don't buy the artistic integrity/vision argument from Bioware, given that it's game 3 of a trilogy and at that point you owe something to the fans who kept the series alive long enough to make it that far. This is true of any trilogy.

I guess it's also entitlement when people say Phantom Menace was a shitty movie or ask Lucas to put out the original cuts of New Hope and Empire?



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Re: Effects of Mass
« Reply #905 on: June 22, 2012, 01:53:27 PM »

I don't know from no entitlement, but I admit I do have sympathy for people who tell a large company "What you made is broken and I did not enjoy it, please make it better."


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Re: Effects of Mass
« Reply #906 on: June 22, 2012, 02:02:25 PM »

Also keep in mind that they're giving away a free product just to appease the fan base.
That's an interesting way to rephrase "The company is desperately trying to recover from its own shitty product so that it doesn't suffer any more damage to its reputation or future sales."

Bongo Bill

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Re: Effects of Mass
« Reply #907 on: June 22, 2012, 04:57:42 PM »

Oh Christ.

Look. Bioware made a mistake when they expected people to like the ending. Maybe they ran out of time, maybe they really are that dumb, but at the end of the day, they really let their audience down. Thanks to the wonders of contemporary technology, they've been given a rare opportunity to correct that mistake and minimize the damage it does to their reputation. I hope they don't blow it.

Second chances are a big deal. Speaking for myself, if I like the extended cut then I'll have far fewer reservations about future Bioware games than I did back in April. Maybe that makes me an entitled little prince.
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Re: Effects of Mass
« Reply #908 on: June 22, 2012, 06:14:17 PM »

Or I was very clearly responding to Ziiro.

Who was being an entitled dick.


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Re: Effects of Mass
« Reply #909 on: June 22, 2012, 06:46:26 PM »

It's like that time fans complained about the ending to Evangelion.


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Re: Effects of Mass
« Reply #910 on: June 22, 2012, 09:00:55 PM »

It's like that time fans complained about the ending to Evangelion.

That's not strictly comparable, because there Hideaki Anno just shows up dressed like Groucho, saying "And if you don't like that ending we have another!", before spinning a giant wheel of fortune covered in nothing but EVA plot points.


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Re: Effects of Mass
« Reply #911 on: June 23, 2012, 11:25:11 AM »

TA, you're citing a situation in which the game was almost literally unplayable. Diablo 3 demands an always online connection, Korean servers have been having lag-bombs for three weeks straight(comparable to the understandable American release week issues, except not ending!), it really is a bizarre and inexcusable foul-up. In this situation, you're paying $60 Korea Dollars for a game that can't actually be played.

In the case of Mass Effect 3, a "broken story" is a joke. You shell out $60, you are Commander Shepard shooting aliens that are machines that eat aliens to become alien-machines, and then your paint-by-numbers Bioware story has a complete stink-up in the final lap. No matter how badly that story stinks, you still presumably got $60 worth of shooting aliens and picking dialogue options.

Quote from: Shinra

You pirated the game, by definition, you are entitled. Even if you want to cite something like DRM or first-day DLC, the principled thing to do would be to not play video games that use DRM or first-day DLC.

Which I find is the major obstacle to gamers actually performing any of the sort of "Outraged Consumer Makes Company Do Thing" miracles they dream of. If Mass Effect 3's new ending prompts a new tidal wave of angry refunds and doesn't convince anybody new to try the game, then perhaps Bioware will sit up and take notice. More realistically, it was probably very clever to convince people who might otherwise refund their game to wait it out for new content. The release of new content and the chance to bandy about the promise of a "fixed, full Mass Effect 3" will probably get a bunch of new sales.

Or it'll be really terrible and the entire series will go down in history as "pretty good until bad ending", but even then, that won't change the fact that all three games are what they advertise: video games. You are entitled to buy the video game and play it.

Now, I know we must then go to the next issue, aren't we entitled to a proper ending to a three part trilogy?

And I don't buy the artistic integrity/vision argument from Bioware, given that it's game 3 of a trilogy and at that point you owe something to the fans who kept the series alive long enough to make it that far. This is true of any trilogy.

Citation needed joke aside(though seriously, what other trilogies needed fan support to make it to part three? I'm a bit curious.), Bioware was(until TOR) a pretty successful studio with a free bill to make new franchises and pump them up to big bucks status and then sequel them appropriately. I'd be very surprised if Dragon Age 2 stinking caused a Dragon Age 3 to never see the light of day. Mass Effect 1 was a huge success, Mass Effect 2 was a runaway success while at the same time beginning the strip-mining of "your decisions matter", it doesn't seem likely that Mass Effect 3 would struggle to see a justification for a sequel to a successful series.

The real question is what comes after Mass Effect 3. In the words of Charlie Sheen: "I've already got your money, dude.", the dude in this case being the majority of ME3 buyers which seems to be to the tune of 2 million buyers. If we safely assume Dragon Age 3 is coming and that Mass Effect 3 and anything Star Wars is over, I guess it's time to revive an old franchise or make a new one.

If you really, really hate Bioware and/or Mass Effect 3's ending, then don't participate in their products further. Don't pirate them, either. Because if you still play them... if you're still a fan... then you're a sucker and worse than that, you can't influence others to do the same. You're part of the complete lack of a collective spine in gamers.


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Re: Effects of Mass
« Reply #912 on: June 23, 2012, 03:00:43 PM »



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Re: Effects of Mass
« Reply #913 on: June 26, 2012, 08:37:16 AM »

I started to watch a video of the EC endings but the guy actually didn't do any of the side dialogue options so I closed it and I am downloading it myself just to experience this firsthand. However I did learn something really really funny.

EC Spoiler: [spoiler]The best part is that you can now refuse. "I don't want to pick from your shit endings, Bioware" "THEN YOU GET BAD END"[/spoiler]Link. Here's the post-credits thing.


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Re: Effects of Mass
« Reply #914 on: June 26, 2012, 09:50:42 AM »

Ha ha ha. Ha.

[spoiler]So the Catalyst(child) was created originally by a race that wanted to have a liaison between Organics and Synthetics. Let's look at that again. The race created an AI to broker peace between theirs and Synthetics. However it always ended in conflict. So the Catalysts' solution was to turn them into the first reaper. "They did not go along with the idea" is something that he said. So the catalyst is actually a run-away synthetic monster from a long ago race. His ideas are flawed because he is flawed.


But it all still falls flat on its face IN NEW AND INTERESTING WAYS! In the explanation of synthesis, he says that it has been something that was tried in the past but it never took. Because "it's not something that can be forced. Organics have to be ready to accept it."
If you pick the rejection ending, your EMS doesn't matter because it's insta-fail. I should be able to reject the bullshit and beat the reapers through sheer force if I have the full EMS.

Control ending is.. passable I guess? I watched the youtubes on the other two and actually did control myself. It's really the true Paragon ending in color and function.[/spoiler]

Bongo Bill

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Re: Effects of Mass
« Reply #915 on: June 26, 2012, 04:16:30 PM »

I checked Control, Destroy, and the new ending. Unfortunately, [spoiler]the starchild[/spoiler] is still in, but [spoiler]he's more articulate this time; it's more obvious that it's gone haywire, fulfilling its original programming in literal fashion at monstrous cost[/spoiler], which is good.

It still doesn't explain the consequences of Destroy well enough for me to predict what happens, but the explanation it offers is better this time: [spoiler]EMS matters because the Crucible is less damaged and therefore it can be more precise in the way it fries the Reapers[/spoiler], or something. I noticed [spoiler]EDI's name was listed on the memorial in the Normandy afterward, and there were no Geth in the ending montages[/spoiler], which is more consistent with what the Starchild says but also means the writers still don't seem to understand what synthetic life actually is. [spoiler]Shepard still walks forward into the explosion like a nincompoop, but starts breathing again at the end in an unidentified location full of rubble anyway, so what the fuck.[/spoiler]

I didn't view Synthesis because the explanation the Starchild offers for how it is possible or what will happen somehow even more illogical than before, only now with some meaningless psychobabble on top. I just assumed that Shepard's response was "That doesn't even make sense!" delivered with such force as to retroactively eliminate it as a possibility.

Destroy seems like the good ending, not least because it is the one that makes sense. [spoiler]In fact, if you choose the renegade response when the Starchild describes it, he makes it clear that what's happening is that Shepard is replacing the Catalyst as the entity that controls the Reapers, to do with as she sees fit[/spoiler].

The new ending is as abrupt and unsatisfying as the original endings used to be, but that's appropriate considering it's the Bad Ending. Actually, no - it still resolves more than the original ones did, as it does at least make clear the state of the galaxy afterward ([spoiler]The Reapers kill everyone but you leave enough behind for the next cycle to be the last one[/spoiler]). The Stargazer in this ending is different. (In fact, I think the Stargazer's lines have been edited down in all the versions.) The fact that this one is still better than any of the originals speaks volumes about how terrible the original endings were.

Afterwards, it no longer tells you to buy DLC, which is a plus.

Both Destroy and Control had [spoiler]the same generic montages of galactic civilization proceeding and the crew of the Normandy putting Shepard's name on the memorial[/spoiler], and while [spoiler]a few of the scenes differed, like the ones explaining what became of the Mass Relays and the Citadel, the largest difference between them was the voiceover[/spoiler]. They also depicted [spoiler]Sword fleet pulling once the Crucible had been activated, because the mission had been accomplished. The Normandy still lands on that one pointless planet, but then immediately takes off again so I don't even know why the fuck they kept scene[/spoiler].

The scene where [spoiler]the Normandy evacuates your squadmates during the charge to the beam, not a shuttle but the actual Normandy which was supposed to be guarding the Crucible at that point, and for some reason Harbinger doesn't blow it up[/spoiler] is dumb, but no dumber than I was willing to tolerate.

Ultimately, I say: it fixed the largest single problem with the previous endings, which was that they didn't include anything that felt final. Notably, it doesn't fix the second-biggest problem: [spoiler]while it did show what happened to the setting, it didn't show what happened to any of the characters, apart from the fact that they had a small funeral for Anderson and Shepard, and I guess Jacob is a teacher now[/spoiler]. If the original endings had been these, I'd have said "Well, that was kind of a weak conclusion that came out of left field a bit, and I've still got some questions, but I'm glad to have gotten there." I would not have said "What the fuck did I just watch, that's how they're ending their trilogy?" the way I did the first time.

Interestingly, in both endings [spoiler]the repaired Citadel was left in orbit around Earth[/spoiler], which strikes me as a really weird choice. Anybody else with me on that?
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Re: Effects of Mass
« Reply #916 on: June 26, 2012, 06:40:27 PM »

There is an ending slide that depicts [spoiler]Zaeed chilling on a deck chair by the ocean with Jessie and a couple of space beers.[/spoiler] All is forgiven.


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Re: Effects of Mass
« Reply #917 on: July 04, 2012, 06:18:34 PM »



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Re: Effects of Mass
« Reply #918 on: July 05, 2012, 06:34:31 PM »

 Check out the adventures of Shepard, Queen of the Reapers.


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Re: Effects of Mass
« Reply #919 on: October 31, 2012, 09:08:35 PM »

Actual Footage of Salarian STG sniper team in action.

13 Minute gold duo run. I can barely keep visual track of this guys scoping in and shots.
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