Ah, my bad. Guess I have brain problems.
I can't help but feel a little disappointed. All the previews and hype before the game came, I was expecting a fairly lengthy game to sink my teeth into, but I clocked in at around a somewhat underwhelming forty hours. Sounds contradictory, I know, but it's true, the game felt somewhat bare bones.
I think it was the relative lack of decision making. Don't get me wrong, there are a couple of big choices, but the game was really uneven about it. There are two types of missions that make up a majority of the game, missions in which you enlist crew members, and then missions to gain their loyalty. For some reason, though, there really isn't a whole lot of interactivity in the enlistment missions, mostly just running and gunning playing peek-a-boo with guns. For the most part, you don't get to decide who lives and who dies, and you don't get to convince enemies to save themselves from death. You just go from A to B while leaving a trail of corpses behind you.
The Loyalty Missions, on the other hand, are pretty great, as you do get to make some important choices in them. Hell, Thane and Samara's Loyalty Missions don't even involve a single gun fight. Most of them are fairly self-contained and probably won't have any major impact on the overall trilogy. Most.
And I guess the sidequests are improved compared to the first game, in that there is no MAKO, but again, they forgot to include those "Decisions". A lot of the sidequests in ME1 had you diffusing volatile situations, but not ME2. It's just more gunplay, for the most part. I did like that one mission on the downed ship teetering on the edge of a cliff, though.