True, there are... [spoiler]holes in the Reaper's plan, but at least it actually makes sense: presumably the Spiral Synthetics would wipe out all organic life both advanced and primitive. The Reapers' plan to only destroy the sufficiently advanced civilizations and preserve their genetic information within themselves at least has some sort of logic behind it, even if it is a bit self-defeating.
The original motivation seems way more stupid; "Let's slaughter this less-advanced galactic civilization that had developed technologically according to the guidelines we laid down hundreds of thousands of years ago so that we can absorb all the information they possessed that we already knew so that we can figure out how to stop the universe from collapsing.
"... Even though it would make infinitely more sense to work with the galactic civilizations."[/spoiler]
Anyway, none of that is enough to get me riled. What does get me irate, though, is that none of the squad members introduced in ME2 are recruitable in ME3, but five of the possible returning characters were all from ME1 and none of them are Wrex.