D&D Double Extravaganza
Two D&D games for the price of one!
Burrito Al Pastor and I have entered into a joint project - and you, Gentle Reader, can reap the benefits! It's two D&D games for the price of one - join one campaign, get a second absolutely FREE! First, I'll be running a short adventure I'm calling "Incident at Kelanrid Mines", and hot on the tails of that, Burrito will be bringing us his 4e rendition of Castle Ravenloft!
*"Kelanrid Mines" will be a quick adventure that will last about two or three sessions. I'd like some practice running an online game and this will give Burrito some extra time to finish converting his campaign.
Players are encouraged to carry over their characters from my game to Burrito's. There will be something of an upward shift in level between the two games.
Without further ado, I present:
INCIDENT AT KELANRID MINESSouthern Grennia: The miners from Dyson Town have come across a bit of a problem in their newest shaft. The fact that they were all slaughtered is not the problem of it: this has happened a few other times in the past several years, in mines across the country. In each instance, the Grennian Army has been dispatched to the mines to defeat the monsters that were unearthed by the mining, the mine shafts were destroyed to prevent another attack, and life continued on as normal.
The real problem with this new mine shaft is that the entire army platoon was slaughtered as well.
Whether you're seeking fame, revenge, or something else, you have decided to enter the mines yourself and hunt down the beasts responsible. But why have these creatures appeared?
CHARGENCharacters start at level one. Stats are to be generated using the PHB point-buy method. However, characters are allowed 21 purchase points for their primary and secondary stats (emphasis on the main attack stat), and 7 points for the remaining four stats. This is Burrito's crazy idea, and you should probably talk to him about whatever you're thinking you want to play. PHB2 content is fine, as is content from Dragon magazine, etc.; Burrito has a subscription and can help you find anything that might be useful for your character.
SCHEDULEWe are currently looking at Saturday nights, from 9:30 PM until around 1:00 AM PST, possibly longer if all or most of the players are willing to stay up.
Like Kazz's game, we will be using IRC and GameTable for certain combat situations. Our present timeslot should have us starting just after Kazz's game finishes; Kazzgame players (and DM) are welcome to join our game if they really feel like they need 8 consecutive hours of D&D. (And who doesn't?)
We are looking for five players, although we can make four or six work if need be. If we don't have enough WFE members, we will be looking elsewhere (probably TT) for potential players.
Burrito and I will each be playing in each other's game. Guild has expressed interest in playing, as well.UPDATE:
Confirmed Players: Rosencrantz/Burrito (one at a time)
Interested Players: Guild, Church, Doom, Büge