I'd just like to say that if you're any good at DotA, early mistakes don't mean anything. You just have to smooth it over. I can't count the number of times my score has been thoroughly negative (like 0-6 or 0-10), but with a bit of patience, farming, and persistence, I've ended the game Godlike, or as the deciding factor, or at least a major contributor to the final win.
The trick is, when you find yourself making mistakes, adjust. If you're Pudge and you can't seem to hook a steak, just make some adjustments. Take some time off hooking and just farm for a bit. Don't sit in the woods and throw aimless hooks while your opponents level. If you're feeling like you're falling behind your lane enemies, and that you'll never catch up, you really have three options: you can kill them yourself with TRICKERY, which is unlikely as you're pretty inexperienced and they'll probably just dupe you; you can call your team to come over for a gank to slow them down or even a lane swap so you can get out of a losing situation before you run out of time.
Anyway, there's nothing for it if you don't like the game. I personally really like the game and the parts that annoy me are people who don't FEAR THE BAN and so they leave games, and also many of the people are just horrible to be e-close to for the length of a DotA. But it helps if you talk a lot of shit in-game through all-chat. Berating players after you kill them might seem like bad form, but you've got to remember, DotA isn't about being nice. It's about finding out which opponent is the dumbest or most susceptible to e-rage and then trolling them until they come up with some true comedy gold in their inability to form a coherent sentence.