Noro, I understand what you're saying and your position. I am sick of intolerance and hate, even covered by a thin veneer of kindness towards those whom the intolerant deem tolerable.
My friend doesn't want ex-mothers and gays to die. If she did, she wouldn't be my friend. Anyone who wants another person to die is pretty much someone I wouldn't consider as a friend. Conservatives (or anyone) like that deserve to be despised.
On the other hand, she and I will never be
good friends precisely because of her idiotic views, forced on her or not. I have attempted a few times to discuss things with her, because I feel that people generally
can be brought around to the correct way of thinking about issues if you approach them without hatred in your heart.
She's a footsoldier, yes, I'll agree with that, even though she was pressed into service. But I've always thought it was better to win a solider over to your side than simply kill them in your pursuit of victory.
I'm not saying FUCK YOU NORO, YOU SHOULD HAVE CONSERVATIVE FRIENDS. It's fine if you hate your mom, I hate my mom, and she's a liberal, so you're certainly allowed. Your mom, if it's true that she voted McCain entirely because he picked a female VP while ignoring the actual personality/thoughts of said female VP, sounds like a retard of the nth degree who deserves to be ridiculed for her idiotic sheeplike mind.
Let me clarify my position: I despise the ideas in the head of my friend(s), I like the person. You can make an argument that they are one and the same, and you would not be without merit. But (I hope/believe) sometimes ideas can change, sometimes a person can realize they were wrong. I have to believe this, (despite all evidence to the contrary) or else, well, I probably really will just start shooting people.
My hatred of ideas is not restricted to conservative ideas, either. Just throwing that out there to show that I despise people's ideas if they are wrong, period. I'm mostly liberal with a few exceptions (gun control and the death penalty being the largest two that come to mind, I have had long discussions about both these issues with my liberal friends) so a lot of the time what I oppose ends up being conservative, but not always. I fucking vomit whenever a liberal blithely shits out more gun control rhetoric, and I will argue the point with them until I'm blue in the face. (I also vomit whenever a
conservative shits out the
other side of the gun control rhetoric, so there you go.)
Noro, the fact is, I can't think of a single issue I've ever disagreed with you on that I can remember on these boards, unless this one counts. I'm sure we could find something, but I'm just saying for the most part I am right there with you on the radical side of things.
there's a point when stupidity becomes malicious.
I agree. It's a sad truth, but truth nonetheless.