Well it's simply a matter of us not
wanting to do it. You wouldn't do something you didn't want to do, right? You have to create a sense of desire or the promise of fun by creating games that are, in themselves, immediately engaging and satisfying, rather than "sort of done" or "good enough" or "pretty good through this perspective once you realize what had to go into making it".
Like it would feel like work to play these and figure out what its problems where and tell you. That is why I don't want to play them. Instead of this being a thing I would click on to have fun, it's a thing I click on to "get to work" and decipher issues or shortcomings. If you want to make a game people will want to play, you have to step back at every stage and ask yourself if
you would like to play this.
You should want to play the game you made, you should truly want to play it, to have fun, because it is a fun game.
Also, I think the fact that I get like zero respect on these forums is really starting to get to me.
The lack of respect is due to the fact that the things you post are not fun or enjoyable to read at all. Again, you've gotta take a step back when you're putting something out to a group and ask, if you were in our shoes, would you enjoy reading the post you've just made? Or would this seem irreverant or a waste of time? If you read one of your posts and it doesn't seem interesting or fun or in any way worth the time it takes to read it, we're going to feel the same way. Only put out stuff that you yourself would like to read in a post.
Posting it here instead of shit days because I've been having suicidal thoughts all night...
This is nothing to really get suicidal over, man. Obviously I don't know you, but you sound like you've gotten yourself holed up into this introverted, closed lifestyle where you don't interact too much and going out and talking to people or doing something else simply doesn't seem appealing.
What you've got to do is take a step back, figure out why you're spending your time the way you do, understand what got you here (I mean truly understand why. Use a journal, that helped me immensley.), and then simply decide what you would like to do instead. We've all got roughly the same amount of time, and all we've got to choose is what we do with it. Decide what you would like to do with your time from now on, what you might want to achieve or what might make you happy, and devote your time to getting there.
The only thing worth doing is what makes you a happier, better, more content person. Sit down, get a journal, and fucking
figure out what's holding you in place in life. Once you can figure that out, you can work on fixing it, on become the kind of dude you want to be. It's gonna take time, it's not necessarily going to be easy, but it is the only thing genuinely worth doing. Understand why you are the way you are, figure out what you want out of life, and do what you have to do to get there. You only live once, so make the best of it.